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Yes, you all read that right. Sam's death was not a tragic accident. It was a fully planned murder. And executed by none other than Helena's precious mafia husband, Edwin.

*FLASHBACK - 13th September, 2013*

'I am leaving for college now. See you soon my love', Sam texted Helena as he put his phone away and sat in the driver's seat of his car.

He was excited to see Helena today, as he was going to show her the hotel he had booked for their stay in Thailand. Their semester was about to end, and Sam wanted to have a special vacation only for the two of them for their second anniversary together. He shared her idea with Helena a month back and got the tickets booked. They were to be leaving exactly in two days for Thailand. Midway through the drive, he received a text back from Helena.

'See you soon, baby.'

He smiled at her text and continued driving to the law school. Suddenly, a truck out of nowhere and crashed into his car. The crash was so intense that Sam's car went up, rolled in the air, and then dropped down with a large thud. The beautiful, scratch-free sedan car was now only a block of jammed metal. Sam died on the spot.

A little away from the scene stood a luxurious black car. A man, sitting in the back with a cruel smirk, called the truck driver.

"Well done, Jacob. Well done", he praised the truck driver through the handheld transceiver, his smirk never fading. "Now, run away quickly. I have got the cameras hacked in this region."

"Edwin sir, we need to leave right now, the police will be here any moment. This highway is already very prone to accidents. There might be a car or two nearby", said his driver.

"Okay, Mr. Brown. But just let me click a few pictures of my victory", he said with an evil smile as he got out of the car.

Edwin walked to the crushed car menacingly. He crouched a little to see the dead body, and his eyes lighted up when he saw Sam, his lifeless eyes wide open from the impact of the crash.

"Now now, well. I guess, I always get what I want. Right, Sam", he said mockingly as he crouched down to have a better look.

Blood was still oozing out of Sam's head and body, although he had already succumbed to the crash on the spot. A tear rolled down his eyes, and the last thought in his mind was, 'What will happen to Helena? How will I ever say sorry to her? Will she be okay?'

"Aww, look at the lover boy. Already dead, but still tearing for his sweet girlfriend. Don't worry pal, I am soon going to wife her up", Edwin said with a smug smile.

He got up and walked to his car again, after clicking a few photos of Sam and the crashed car. He sat in the back seat.

"Let's go, Mr. Brown. My work's done here", he said psychotically, as the car drove away.

At the college, Helena had been waiting for Sam's arrival for the last 15 minutes. She was the complete opposite of her current personality. A chirpy twenty-one-year-old girl, with beautiful, long, and straight hair in a soft feminine dress. She was wearing nice light makeup and her eyes were filled with life.

"Oh, is Sam still not here", asked Sasha, Helena's close friend.

"No, I tried calling him five times, but there is no answer", Helena said worriedly.

Deep down in her heart, Helena was having a strange restlessness that day. There was this strange fear, a fear of losing someone. Although she tried to act as normal as possible and stirred away most of the negative thoughts, it seemed as if those thoughts were coming from her gut.

"Hey, are you alright", Sasha asked as she kept her palm on Helena's shoulder, trying to calm her down.

"Yeah. Sasha, I don't know why, but I am having this strange feeling", she said worriedly.

"Come on, he's just not picking up his phone. He might have gotten stuck in traffic or something. His phone might be on silent", Sasha said with a laugh.

"I know that there have been times like this before, but today, I don't know how I am supposed to tell this, but something does not feel right", Helena said worriedly.

Sasha, being Helena's close friend, knew how sensitive Helena was and how quick she was to shed tears.

"Listen, why don't we get you something from the cafeteria? It will be a nice walk and we will have a good girl's time till Sam comes", Sasha said softly, trying to distract her.

"Hmm, you're right. Let's go", Helena nodded.

They both reached the cafeteria and took a bottle of juice each. Sipping the juice with the straws, both the girls sat on a table. Helena was in her thoughts.

"What are you thinking now?"

"I don't feel good, Sasha. I had this weird tension in me. I can feel it. I want to talk to Sam right now, but he is picking me call. I don't know what to do", Helena said as her eyes teared up a bit.

"Helena, you know, you should start being a little strong. You still cannot handle such tiny things. How will you handle yourself in the future, if, God forbid, something bad happens", Sasha asked her softly.

"I will be okay. Sam will take care of me. With him, I will be safe everywhere even if we lose everything and everyone", Helena said with a soft smile, her eyes getting normal as she tried to be positive.

"And what if it's Sam is not there for you one day", Sasha asked without thinking, and later realized what she said.

"Sam promised me that he would always be with me ", Helena said softly, but internally, she started to overthink.

After five minutes, they were both done with their juices. Sasha got up while Helena just sat there, staring into space.

"Helena, let's go. The lecture's going to start", Sasha said, snapping Helena out of her thoughts.

"Yeah", Helena said and got up.

They both got out of the cafeteria. There was a crowd of students collected in front of the college on the ground floor. Sasha and Helena walked to the railing to get a better view.

"Is there another strike", Sasha said jokingly.

"Hmm. Looks like that."


Helena turned around and saw Michael running towards her. Her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. He reached her, his palms got to his knees as he breathed heavily.

"What's the matter, Michael", Helena asked worriedly.

"Helena, Sam's dead. His car was found badly crushed on the highway. The truck driver left the truck there and ran away", he said while hyperventilating.

Helena's eyes widened, and her face turned pale.

'S-sam? A-are you leaving me? Please, God, tell me that this is a lie', she thought and fainted then and there.


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