"First kiss"

339 13 4

JK: (entering the room) Jin, what are you doing?

Jin: (excitedly) Watching cartoons! It's my favorite show!
For a while
Jk mesmerized to see Jin's sparkling eyes , plumpy lips
And giggling sounds"

Jin :" jk!"
Jk came into senses
And jerked his head

JK: (disapprovingly) Jin, you're 20 years old. Why are you still watching cartoons?

Jin: (defensively) Hey, they're entertaining! And it's my day off, so I can do what I want!

JK: (frustrated) That's exactly my point. You're acting like a kid. When are you going to grow up and take life seriously?

Jin: (hurt) Hey, I do take life seriously! But I also know how to have fun and not be so uptight all the time.

JK: (sighs) I just don't want people to think you're immature.

Jin: (smirks) Maybe you're just jealous because you don't know how to have fun anymore.
JK: "You're going to college from tomorrow. Here's your admission form, fill it out."
Jin: "I'll fill it out later, I'm watching a show right now."
JK: "It seems like you're dumb and don't like to study."That's why you are still in college level"

Jin: "That's not true! I was the topper at school,

Jin: "I'm not dumb, JK. And I'm late for college admission because of your stepmother."
JK: "What do you mean?"
Jin: "She never liked me and she stopped me from studying. She didn't want me to succeed."
But I'm not giving up.
Jk: "Unbelievable! You're a topper?"

Jin: (in frustration) "I'll show you how good I am in studies!"

Jk: "Oh, really? I'd love to see that!"

Jin: (determined) "Just watch me! I'll fill out this form and prove it to you!"

(Jin starts filling out the form quickly and confidently)

[JK enters Jin's room, sees Jin sleeping, and approaches him]

JK: (whispering) Sleeping beauty...

[JK leans in, one hand near Jin's head and the other near his waist, gazing at Jin's face]

JK: (softly) You're so beautiful, Jin... (pauses, lost in thought)

[Jin stirs in his sleep, but doesn't wake up]

JK: (breathing softly, his face inches from Jin's) So peaceful... so lovely...

[JK's gaze lingers on Jin's face, his eyes tracing Jin's features as if mesmerized]

JK: (whispering) I can't help it... I'm just drawn to you, Jin...

Jin: (groggily opening his eyes) Ah, what...?
JK: (startled) Oh, Jin! I'm so sorry! I was lost in thought and...
(JK's words trail off as Jin's hand moves to his face, and their lips meet in a soft, unexpected kiss)

Jin: (surprised but pleased) Mmm... JK?
JK: (pulling back, blushing) I-I'm so sorry, Jin! I didn't mean to...

Jin's eyes widened in surprise as Jk rushed out of the room.

(Jk thinking to himself as he walks out of the room)

"What have I done?! Why did I do that?! Ah, what kind of feeling is this? My heart is racing... I can't believe I kissed him! But why does it feel so right?!"

(Jk takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down)

"Get a grip, Jk. It was just unintended

(Jk can't help but smile to himself as he walks out of the room
(Jin lying on bed, still as a statue)

"Wow... did that really just happen? Did Jk really kiss me?! Oh my gosh, my heart is racing... I can't believe it! Me, Jin, the guy who's always been so calm and collected, is blushing like a tomato right now..."

(Jin's face turns a deeper shade of red as he thinks about the kiss)

(Jin's mind races with thoughts and possibilities, his blush deepening as he lies there, still as a statue, lost in his thoughts)
[JK and Jin sit down for breakfast. They eat in silence for a few moments.]

[They continue eating in silence for a bit longer.]

JK: (getting up to clear the dishes) Well, I suppose it's time to get you to college.

Jin: (standing up) Yeah, I guess so.

[JK hands Jin a small piece of paper]

JK: (serious) Here's my number. Call me if you need anything. Anything at all.

Jin: (taking the paper) I will. Thanks, JK.

[JK drives Jin to college, still in silence, but a meaningful one.]

JK: (before Jin gets out of the car) Take care of yourself, okay?
JK: First day of college!

Jin: (nervously) Yeah... I'm a bit anxious.

JK: (encouragingly) You'll do great. Just remember...

... be careful who you trust.

Jin: (confused) What do you mean?

JK: (serious) I mean, don't go making friends with just anyone. You don't know who you can really count on.

Jin: (skeptical) That's a bit harsh, don't you think? I'm not going to isolate myself from everyone...

JK: (firmly) I just want you to be cautious, that's all. You're going to meet a lot of new people, and not all of them will have your best interests at heart.

Jin: (sighing) Okay, got it. I'll be careful.

Jin: (smiling) I will. Bye, JK.

[JK watches Jin walk away, a mix of emotions on their face.]

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