My whole life is a trial

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Part 5:

The car door slammed shut behind Jungkook, leaving Jin standing alone in the driveway. Jin's silence was a mask for the turmoil brewing inside him. He had faced countless challenges in his life, but this trial with Jungkook was proving to be one of the toughest.

Losing his parents at a young age, Jin had been forced to rely on his uncle, Jungkook's father, for support. But living with them had come with its own set of difficulties. Jungkook's stepmother had made it clear she didn't want Jin around, and her cold demeanor had left emotional scars.

Now, as Jin followed Jungkook into the house, he felt like he was reliving those painful memories. Jungkook's behavior was a stark reminder of the struggles he had faced growing up. The feeling of being unwanted, of being a burden, was all too familiar.

Jin's eyes stung as he fought back tears, his heart heavy with the weight of his past. He had hoped that marrying Jungkook would bring him a sense of belonging, but it seemed like he was just as alone as ever.

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