chapter 16: flashback

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After mason and his mom yelled at each other, mason decided to take a wake by himself but during that walk he was focused in his thoughts and he ended up unlocking a forgotten memory. Younger mason was in the kitchen, making his macaroni art and listening to whatever his parents talked about "I know that money is tight! But I swear this drink will be my last!" Mrs Rainey told Mr Rainey, mason decided to walk away from this one since he hadn't learn about alcohol yet and chose not to learn about it yet "may! May! Look what I made you!" Younger Riku said while he was running to mason "what did you make me?" Mason asked "I made you a paper flower that blooms when you put it in water!" Riku answered "woah! That's cool! I'll get a cup of water!" Mason said excitedly as he got a cup of water from the kitchen, his parents still talking about adult things "ready?" Riku asked "yeah!" Mason replied, Riku putting the paper flower in the cup of water, it doesn't bloom "oh" Riku said, disappointed "it's alright" mason tried to comfort Riku "wanna go throw some darts in dad's room?" Riku asked "yeah! But you threw the dart last time so it's my turn this time!" Mason said "yeah yeah" Riku knew mason would say that, they both ran to their dad's room "roses are red, violets are blue see that triple 20? I'll hit it for you!" Mason told Riku as he threw the dart but accidentally throwing the dart at his grandma's ashes "...... can't thug this out" Riku said "mom is gonna make me sleep in the yard....." Mason said quietly "what?" Riku asked "nothing!" Mason replied, this was the first time cookie showed up "oh you can't tell your dear brother? What are you scared of? The gifted sibling knowing why you're not in your room at night?" Cookie said "Riku, do you hear that?" Mason asked "no?" Riku answered as mason looked next to him seeing a strange man with green bangs and brown hair with a smirk on his face "do you see him?" Mason asked as he pointed to cookie "the picture of mom and dad when they were dating? Yeah?" Riku answered "are you okay? Did you forget to take your meds?" Riku asked "what?! No! I don't take meds!" Mason said "erm uh last time I checked mom had you take meds for anxiety and schizophrenia" Riku said "touché" mason replied "what does that mean?" Riku asked "it basically means good point" mason answered "why not say that?" Riku asked again "it sounds smarter" mason replied "touché" Riku said, both mason and riku giggling.

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