Chapter 12: Stalking

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Mason noticed someone following him when he was walking back home after school and it wasn't someone who usually went his route, for now Mason knew to pretend nothing was wrong and just go the wrong way until they went away. All mason hoped was that cookie would pop up, for once he would be doing mason a favor but mason knew cookie wouldn't do nothing about the person following him, occasionally he would turn around but see nobody "this person is really good at following me if they know when to hide" Mason thought, suddenly his mind started to think thoughts mason didn't want to think, that's when cookie showed up "all your siblings are so successful in their hobbies and interests, you're probably the one to crash on people's couches and beg your dad for money" cookie said, mason didn't say anything he didn't want the person following him thinking he was crazy since nobody else really saw cookie other than mason, although that could lead the follower off masons trail "why are you so fucking negative all the damn time?!" Mason yelled at cookie "¿Qué?" The follower stopped following "I knew someone was following me" mason said as he turned around to see "Leo?" Mason said in surprise, Leo immediately running towards a tree "I already saw you!" Mason told leo "¡No, eh!" Leo said as he hid behind a tree "this guy is weird" cookie whispered to mason  "tell me about it" mason told cookie "hm Leonardo Camilo Bones, is 16 years old, has a sister named mazie, lives on 5th avenue street in watchers neighborhood" cookie told Mason as cookie looked at Leo "uh cookie, no offense but I think you're creepy for knowing so much about him" mason told cookie "and Leo just ran away" mason said as he looked back at the tree Leo hid behind to see Leo running away "well anyway to what you said to me earlier I know everything about everyone!" Cookie said proudly.

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