Chapter 14: slumber party in the basement :3

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As Mason and Leah kept talking, Sofia's dad walked into the basement "can you guys please be more quiet!" Mr valentine said as he started sniffing "if my nose is correct one of you girls is on your period, who is it?" Mr valentine asked "...." Leah stayed quiet "it's me" mason said, Mr valentine stared at mason in shock "I know what you are" mason told Mr valentine "I'll pop a Glock in your mouth and make a brain slushy if you dare to touch Sofia inappropriately" mason said, grinning afterwards "....why are you wearing a worm costume" Mr valentine asked "because uh um because I'm Mason freaking mills, I'm gonna be sexy forever?" Mason said, hoping he'll buy it "when Sofia said she had smart friends this wasn't what I was thinking" Mr valentine explained "Leah Anaya is gonna beat you to death ^^" Leah said "well, nice worm costume! Does it come in men's?" Mr valentine said "oh I think you come in men enough for all of us" Leah said "anyways now uh GET OUT🤬🤬🤬" mason snapped  "we know where you live" Leah cautioned.

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