Our Last Summer - Chapter 20

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Friday afternoon, June 12, Bass Lake, WI

Chapter 20 -   Our Last Summer

Jake opened the roll-up door inside the boathouse and tossed his shirt into the boat along with two life jackets. Hopping into the water, he carefully drifted the sailboat out into the open water before securing it to the dock. After raising the mast and sail, he set to work on prepping the rigging. Once complete, he donned his life jacket and ran through his mental checklist before they set sail.

He looked up to see Bonnie approaching in her sherbet-striped one-piece, her curls flowing freely in the breeze. "Ready to go, Captain?" she winked at Jake.

"As long as my first mate is," he replied, helping her into the boat as they untied it, raised the sail into the breeze, and set off across the lake. Jake manned the tiller while Bonnie steadied the lines. They sailed north, rounding the point before tacking left through the channel and into the vast second half of the lake. After navigating the channel, they crossed back over to the south shore. Jake spotted a clearing and felt the wind pick up.

"Prepare to tack!" he called. Bonnie ducked and adjusted the line as they skimmed along at around five knots. Bonnie's laughter filled the air as they zig-zagged across the lake. After a while, Jake felt a slight shift in the wind.

"Prepare to come about!" he called as they turned and made their way back towards the channel and on reaching the other half tacked to the northern shallow bay, an area filled with bullrushes and a small sand beach on the edge of the Swensen's farm that was adjacent to the lake. There was a little picnic table and a small fire pit that Bonnie and Jake had used over the summers when Nole and Maja Swensen had met up with them.

"Want to beach at Swensen's for a while and swim in the bay?" Bonnie suggested.

"Sure," Jake agreed, feeling rather warm himself. A dip in the cool water sounded refreshing. Jake feathered the rudder as they glided in, and Bonnie hopped out to help ease the boat onto the sand. Jake pulled off his life jacket and dove into the water. Bonnie was right behind him, and they enjoyed a swim together.

"Tag," said Bonnie with a slap on his back as she rocketed away.

"No fair, Miss Swimteam," yelled Jake as he butterflied in the water and raced after her. After 20 minutes of tag, Jake neared the shore to catch his breath and walked up the sand to sit at the table. Bonnie followed him up and sat beside him as they relaxed their winded bodies.

After a few minutes of silence between them, Bonnie turned her leg over the bench so she could face him directly. "Jake, I need to tell you something."

Jake, focused on boats with skiers, replied, "What about?" without looking her way.

When she didn't reply, Jacob turned to see her expression was more serious. "Bonnie, what's wrong?"

She pulled up next to him, looking him directly in the eye, her dark blue eyes gleaming. "Jake, this is our eighth and most likely our last summer together," she said, clearing her throat.

"Come on, Bonnie, seriously? You don't know that..." he began.

"Jake, stop and actually listen to me," her voice trembled as she scooted just close enough so her knee touched the outside of his, "and just this once," she continued as she placed her hand on his chest, "with your heart."

Her hand was cool to the touch, but her eyes held a warmth that Jake hadn't seen in his own for some time.

"Jake, I need to tell you something I haven't told you in a long time, and maybe I should have told you sooner. But this past year and a half, my heart's been a mess. You've been a part of my life and my summers for as long as I can remember. Seeing you walk up that beach became something I looked forward to each year as much as Christmas, but in a way more. Because you being here meant summer was too. Our summer. You were my escape from the stress of this small town's scrutiny and my grandma's endless tasks. You were my get-out-of-jail-free card for fun. Because you always got the green light with my mom and grandma, we could just go. Those endless days and nights, from kids goofing off to that last summer when I felt it blooming into something more. I know you didn't feel the same way. You said you loved me three years ago, and I know you didn't push for anything because you didn't want to hurt me and because of your fears. Your fear of the distance, the difference in our backgrounds, the fear of our families, and the fear of the baggage you've carried for so long. And because you loved me, you let me go."

"And then you went after Marta. So I sat on the sidelines and watched as she took your heart, bartered for all its worth, and when it was spent, she tossed it away. I wept for you because you've always had a piece of mine.

"Jake, I love you and I probably always will. You know in the last two years I've loved someone else, but fate is far crueler than I would wish. And though I love him and he loves me, he's gone, and from what he told me last, he's probably not coming back for a long time. I know he'd like to, but it's not meant to be."

"So, when you wrote me that Marta had finally broken your heart for the last time and that you would be here for a full month, I don't know, I thought that maybe somehow with you planning to choose a different path and walking away from what is expected of you in life, that there would be a place for me within it. But I struggled with what to say or even if to say it. But from the moment you were here, I saw that although you care deeply for me, the words from your mouth missed the 8 inches to your heart... So here I am, sharing my heart with you, not to hurt you, but to tell you that no matter where you are, I will always love you. And I love you enough to let you go."

Her voice trailed off as she grasped his hand. The only sound was the ripple of the sail. Jake was shaken by her confession, as he tried to speak. 'Bonnie, I...'

"Shhh," she whispered. Jake pulled her close, holding her with unspoken words far louder than any that could be said.

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