➤ chapter 33 : new character unlocked

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"WATERBENDING BOMB! YEAH!" katara shouts from the cliff she's standing on before jumping into the pool of water below

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"WATERBENDING BOMB! YEAH!" katara shouts from the cliff she's standing on before jumping into the pool of water below. miizumi covers her face as the water splashes everywhere and her, aang and toph laugh.

"sure, five-thousand-year-old maps from the spirit library." sokka says. "just splash some water on them."

"sorry." katara chuckles, squeezing the water out of her hair before bending the water out of the maps. miizumi swims over to the rock sokka sits on and rests her arms on the rock.

"come on, sokka. just get in." miizumi peers up at him and he looks at her.

"as much as i can't say no to you, no." sokka replies and gently nudges her back into the water. she climbs out and joins the group as they huddle around the map.

"so did you figure out what route we're gonna take?" aang asks.

"okay, we just got out of the desert, so we must be around here." sokka explains as he points to a spot on the map.

"and we need to go to ba sing se, which is here." he points to another spot. "it looks like the only passage connecting the south to the north is this sliver of land called the serpent's pass."

"you're sure that's the best way to go?" toph asks.

"it's the only way." sokka responds. "i mean, it's not like we have appa to fly us there." miizumi slaps him in the back of his head and turns to aang.

"shush up about appa. can't you at least try to be sensitive?" katara whispers.

"it's okay. i know i was upset about losing appa before but i just want to focus on getting to ba sing se and telling the earth king about the solar eclipse." aang says.

"oh. well, okay. i'm glad you're doing better." katara replies.

"then to ba sing se we go. no more distractions." sokka grins.

"hello, fellow refugees!" a man exclaims from behind them. they turn around to see him waving at them with a daughter and a wife. miizumi sees sokka's unamused glare as katara and aang walk up to them.

"so are you guys headed to ba sing se too?" aang asks.

"sure are. we're trying to get there before my wife, ying, has her baby." the man explains.

"great. we can travel through the serpent's pass together." katara smiles.

"the serpent's pass?" ying exclaims with wide eyes. "only the truly desperate take that deadly route."

"deadly route? great pick, sokka!" toph says and hits him in his arm.

"well, we are desperate." sokka responds as he rubs his arm.

"surely there has to be another way." miizumi says and then turns to ying and her family. "ba sing se is one of the most fastest adapting cities in the world. they have trains and buses to get around."

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