chapter 17

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Safe to say she liked this side of him being open somewhat in private slowly she started moving her healing arm in a pendulum motion while slightly wincing from time to time due to the slight pain.

"You should take a small break"

Itachi said as Naruto looked back at him before turning back around and continuing.

"Naru, you really should take a small break"

Itachi said in concern as Naruto hummed.

"Itachi you worry a lot, I'm just doing a few arm exercises nothing to serious as I can't really lift and do things with my arm until it heals"

Naruto said before stopping then walking to Itachi and kissed his cheek.

"but thanks for worrying about me"

Naruto said warmly as a faint pink dust filled the elder uchiha's face.

"I have to, I did marry a beautiful kunoichi"

Itachi said as Naruto looked away.

"former. . Kunoichi I think my career of a kunoichi is over I don't know it all depends on if i make a full recovery not to mention my epilepsy"

Naruto muttered as Itachi lightly picked her up.


Naruto asked as the Uchiha leaned down and kissed her again.

"You will be a kunoichi eventually, I'll make sure that I'll be by your side as a partner so in case you do have an epileptic episode I can protect you"

Itachi said as the blond female sighed quietly and leaned her head against his chest before blinking in surprise.

"You should visit the hospital, something is wrong with your lungs"

Naruto said as itachi stared at her ever since Itachi and naruto's relationship became a genuine one she often did a few harmless jokes here and there but seeing the seriousness in her eyes made him question her choice of words.

"Alright, tomorrow I will go to the hospital and get a check up done to see if something is wrong, but for now"

Itachi responded carrying the slightly flustered female to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed then climbed in beside her then it started raining the duo listened to the relaxing rain pattering on the glass window as the blond haired female relaxed slightly as Itachi wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I keep having the same dream, the two of us being married living in uzushiogakure, me being the uzukage and you being my adviser, to the jinchuriki of all villages somewhat coming to uzushiogakure due to the ninetails being sealed in me i don't know it's strange"

Naruto muttered quietly as the rain kept pattering on the window as she turned around and resting her head against his chest slowly and surely she eventually fell asleep

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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