Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

A massive rush of adrenaline poured through me, as my entire body went into shock from this. The dots fell into place, and my eyes went back to the photo before looking back up at him with a trembling lip. "How... how did you find this out?"

"I wouldn't be a good reporter if I didn't have sources of my own within the police department," Aidan responded, crossing his arms over his chest looking like he wanted more answers from me.

I took a deep breath, feeling my hands begin to tremble even more now just as I spoke up, "So you know who I am then." It's not like I could deny it at this point. My cover was officially blown. What was I to do now? Run? Hide? I had a much bigger problem that I couldn't ignore. I would have to go back to the Witness Protection Service and explain that my identity had been uncovered by some and that the man whom I had been hiding from for the past eight years had found me, even though that part I wasn't entirely sure of yet since I hadn't physically seen him or heard him yet. That feeling in my stomach was back and it seemed like it wouldn't get any better. I couldn't imagine going through all of this just to return to where I had started eight years ago, hiding again.

"Why don't you fill us in?" Kathryn asked me. "Who are you? Why didn't you tell us after Vanessa was murdered and Rachel was attacked?"

"I honestly wasn't sure that this man is really..." I paused in mid-sentence, changing my words. "I mean after everything that you guys have just uncovered, I would be putting a big target on myself if this got out," I said, looking from her to Aidan who was both trying to look at me seriously but also trying not to look completely shocked at the revelation of my identity.

"This man has been hunting you for the past eight years, hasn't he?" Kathryn continued asking me her questions.

"I didn't think... he would find me," I said, feeling my whole body tremble at the thought of the possibility that he was still watching me. I couldn't even imagine how or why he had been able to find me after all this time. I looked back up at the two. "If this information gets out..."

"That wasn't our initial intention." Aidan joined back into the conversation.

"But people talk... eventually this is all going to get out. It'll be all over the news..." I shook my head, feeling as if I was suddenly in an impossible situation.

"You're right... That's why you have to act on it quickly and bring him down."

"I just wish that...wait... what?" I didn't fully comprehend what he had said until after I started up again. "What do you mean me to bring him down?" Was Aidan implying I was the one who was going to find this murderer?

"Yes... you need to be the one to bring this man down. Do I need to spell it out exactly? You are the one he is obsessed with and he is out there murdering his way to get your attention." Aidan paused and looked directly at me, trying to keep his voice as low as possible. "I know the police are on it as well, but you are the perfect bargaining chip to lure this madman out. Unless... you would rather run away again?"

"Run away..." My voice was low as that realization sunk in my mind. For the first time since I had run from this man, I couldn't even deny that the situation had called for me to return to that state again. I didn't want to run. I loved my life here in Portland. My family, my job, my friends... was I willing to let it all go? Lose everything again? I then shook my head. "Even if I ran... he wouldn't stop."

"That's what I'm saying..." Aidan added, trying to drive home his main point. I felt my head swimming as the realization that he had been right all along - I had to be the one to bring this man down. "But think of the story this will become!"

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