Chapter 04

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Chapter 04

Chapter 04

The ringing of the phone jarred me from a sound sleep. Bleary red numbers on the digital clock relayed that it was just shy of 2:00 a.m., and I rubbed the sleep from my eyes with the heel of my hand. Propping myself on an elbow, I disconnected my phone from where it lay plugged in on the nightstand. Ryan's number flashed across the screen as the phone pealed its third ring. Biting back a yawn, I swiped my thumb across the screen and held it to my ear. What could he possibly want at this hour?

'"Hello? This better be important, Ryan." These were the first words that spoke out of my mouth. I was tired and having to deal with Ryan at two in the morning was not a good thing.

"Hey, I just got an alarming call from Aidan."

His tone sounded worried when he began to speak, and that motivated me more to sit up in my bed. Aidan was one of our top reporters. So whatever the news was, it must have been important. "What's wrong?"

There was a silent pause for a moment before he spoke again, "They found Vanessa's body..."

I froze. I was in shock by those four words. Instant memories from my childhood flooded my thoughts as I could feel my heart rate elevated.

The body of a local teen girl was found...

Teen found murdered on the outskirts of Gig Harbor...

The suspect is still not identified...

The suspect is still not found...

I felt goosebumps on my arms.

"Did you hear me?" Came Ryan's voice again. "I know you were close with her, so I need you to get here right away. I tried calling Nick but can't reach him."

"Y-Yeah, sure. Of course. Text me the address and I'll be right there." I hung up before he could say another word. Springing from the bed, heart racing, I yanked on the closest pair of jeans and a sweatshirt to ward off the chill that snaked through my body. Grabbing up my phone, I ran down the steps, taking only a moment to gather my hair into a ponytail and check my reflection in the mirror that hung in the hallway. Snatching up my keys and purse from the side table, I threw the front door open and then quickly unlocked it before sprinting toward the driveway. Heart still racing, I backed down the driveway and sped toward the address on my GPS.

Blue and red lights pierced the dark sky, and dread congealed in my stomach as I pulled over at the side of the road not too far from the highway. Just outside of town located on a farm.

The scene of the crime was turning my stomach. I wasn't entirely sure why I was there. I wasn't with the police or paramedics. Surely the news station KWG would soon have their reporters out here soon enough to get a glimpse of what happened. But like Ryan said on the phone, I was the only one who knew the most about Vanessa as she was my intern. Whatever happened, looks like Aidan was first on the scene to cover the report.

When I approached Ryan, we were then allowed closer and an officer walked up to us. "You are the one who can help identify the victim?"

I hated that word. "Yes, if it is her. What exactly happened?" I had to ask, but I was more worried about the response. Vanessa was such a nice and promising person.

"The locals who live up at the farm found her. They heard faint screams about an hour ago and decided to come out here to see. Please be advised when we show you the body but by the looks of it, seems like the young lady was stripped of her clothes and was sexually assaulted..."

I could feel my lungs losing oxygen as the officer spoke. I walked with him as we approached a stretcher with a black body bag on top. I took in a deep breath, preparing myself. "... and then had her throat slit."

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