Chapter 03

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Chapter 03

I still remember it as if it happened yesterday. My body was pulled out of the cold river by a passerby who then called the police.

I sat in the back of the ambulance feeling lifeless, for I could barely speak from the shock of what had just happened.

My parents arrived shortly after and when I spoke to them and the police about what happened, my mother was in tears. I'll always remember the look my father gave me; although relieved that I was okay, I could see the sheer disappointment in his eyes that I had disobeyed him about tonight.

Madison would still be alive today if we had never gone to Seattle.
If Daniel never ditched us.
If we never got into that cab.
So many ifs.

I blamed myself a lot for her death. I couldn't protect her.

It was shortly after 1:00 am when we arrived at the police station to give my statement. I told them everything. Where we went, getting into the cab, every detail I could remember about the man. Where we pulled off the highway and what happened in the forest. My thoughts were spinning in my head, replaying every detail. Every worried look on Madison's face, her body, the malicious look in that man's eyes... it was as if it was all burned into my memory.

"We looked into the driver..." one of the detectives began as I sat in the interrogation room, "there is no record of any Jake Stevens working for the Seattle taxi services. He isn't in the system at all. Also... the vehicle left on the side of the road with a flat tire like you described was also not there. There is no sign of its whereabouts as of right now."

"How is that possible?" My father spoke up, sounding irritated. "Were there any tow trucks called to that area?"

"It's still too soon to tell. An investigation is open and this is all the information we know at this moment."

We were then dismissed to go home. I still couldn't speak much and went right to my room once we returned. I couldn't sleep. I was crying. All I could think about was Madison. Why her? Why us?

"You belong to me, Ella King! I won't stop until I have you!"

The words echoed in my head like a disease. I had told my parents and the police about his threat. My mother was devastated and scared and my father knew he had to do whatever he could to keep me safe and not end up as his next victim.

The following morning, my parents called me into the dining room to let me know what they had decided. My father said it was the only choice at the moment until they could catch the man who was now hunting me down.

"Ella, dear. I know this will be hard to understand, and please know we are doing this for your protection..." My father began. His voice was softer the usual and I knew what he was about to tell me wasn't going to be easy. "Until this man is caught... you have to disappear for a while. I could never forgive myself if anything happened to you. So... there is a foster family in Portland, Oregon who have agreed to take you in as their own. You'll be safe there."

That morning, I had to say goodbye to my home and Gig Harbor. I never had a chance to see any friends or Madison's parents. I was only allowed to pack two suitcases of belongings, mostly clothes, and as my father said, disappear. No one could know where I was. No one could ever contact me.

Welcome to Portland, Oregon.

It was the largest city in Oregon but with a population of only half a million. Still, much larger than Gig, it was going to be a big change. I remember all too well the first day arriving there. I hadn't spoken a single word the entire car ride as I sat in the back seat alone and with my father driving. Just the two of us. My mother was heartbroken for having me leave in the first place and they had decided it would be best for her to stay behind with my younger brother, Adam.

Dark SecretsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora