C256: Scouting!

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The mountainous wind raged angrily. While King Sosurim and the group of Goguryeon assassins were planning their next course of action, no one noticed a huge eagle circling the sky right above them within the deep darkness.

That eagle remained completely silent, but its sharp eyes seemed to be engraving everything it saw into its memory.


After an unknown length of time, the eagle finally left the area, flying to the northeast amidst the furious gale.

Shu shu, the huge eagle flew across the crown of a tree as it descended, eventually reaching a small hill amidst the mountain. A thick arm stretched out to allow the trained, intelligent eagle. At the same time, the other hand threw a piece of meat jerky over.

The huge eagle caught the meat jerky and swallowed it with a few forceful bites.

"To think that the Goguryeon base would actually be there!"

Beside the Old Eagle whose arm the eagle was perched on, Solitary Wolf grabbed his lower jaw as a dazed expression surfaced on his face. His gaze was directed to the scenery in the distance, where the tip of a monastery could be vaguely seen amidst the winding mountains.

"These Goguryeons sure are cunning. To actually take a monastery deep in the mountains as their base! If we haven't known of it in advance, who would have thought that this would be their base of operations?"

Steel Arms couldn't help but feel relieved. If not for Old Eagle's trained eagles following the ravens that the Goguryeons use to communicate into this monastery, he would have never thought that the Goguryeons would be hiding here.

"I remember a merchant reporting to the royal court that he would donate to have a monastery built in the middle of the mountains four months ago. From the looks of it now, they had started their preparations all the way from back then."

Wang Chong looked at the southwest direction and saw the massive monastery too, and a deep frown immediately appeared on his forehead. This monastery was rather famous in his previous life too, but who could have thought that it would actually be a gathering point for the Goguryeons?

Thinking about it now, this monastery probably played an important role as to why King Sosurim was able to escape the from Great Tang's pursuit and successfully return back to Goguryeo.

"Since this monastery is the gathering point of the Goguryeons, then without a doubt, the merchant who donated to it must be a Goguryeon as well. I heard that the workers he recruited also prohibited outsiders from approaching the area during the construction. Most probably, the monks and the construction workers are all Goguryeons as well."

"Given how huge an affair it is, the Goguryeons couldn't possibly have delegated the jobs to outsiders!"

A strong wind blew across the small hill, brushing by the grim faces of the group.

King Sosurim was much more cunning than they had thought.

Even if something were to happen, no one would lay doubt on this monastery! After all, everything was done openly—the establishment of the monastery was officially reported, and it was constructed beneath the eyelids of the royal court—so there was no reason for the royal court to suspect this monastery!

"No matter how many people they brought and how cunning they are, this operation is bound to be a failure. Old Eagle, how is the situation?"

Ma Yinlong turned to ask Old Eagle, who was busy feeding his eagle.

"Not very good. They have sentry every three steps and patrol every five. I'm afraid that we would be noticed by the Goguryeons before we can even approach the monastery. Not only so, this area is filled with flora and fauna, and the geography is complicated, thus making it easy for him to escape. Even if the Goguryeons were to realize that their plan was doomed, they could simply abandon the monastery and escape whenever they wish to!"

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