C245: Continuous Breakthroughs!

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"Hahaha, the Wang Clan really stood up for us!"

In the royal palace, Yang Zhao was holding onto the letter that had just arrived with hands trembling in excitement. "This time around, Zhangchou will surely be able to become the Minister of War! Little sister, we won't be completely helpless in the royal palace anymore!"

In recent days, Zhangchou Jianqiong was a name that was frequently raised in discussion. After all, he was the greatest beneficiary of this entire incident. But it seemed that there was another person who was even more excited than Zhangchou Jianqiong over his likely promotion—Yang Zhao.

"As long as Zhangchou Jianqiong gets into the central politics, I, Yang Zhao, will surely be able to rise through the ranks, and it'll just be a matter of time before I'm conferred nobility!"

Yang Zhao's grasp on the letter tightened so greatly that veins were appearing on the back of his hands.

Yang Zhao was currently in a humble position, despite possessing Consort Taizhen's backing. He wished to climb up through the ranks, but he understood too well that he was lacking in qualifications.

All of those powerhouses in the royal court had probably had his background thoroughly looked into. Only with Zhangchou Jianqiong's support would he be able to truly ascend through the ranks.

"Cousin, that little brother that you befriended really helped us greatly. At least we didn't waste our efforts helping him back then," a pleasant voice reminiscent of a pearl falling onto a jade plate spoke up from behind him—Consort Taizhen!

"Hehe, indeed!" Hearing Consort Taizhen's words, Yang Zhao couldn't help but chuckle.

"Back then, when I was at my humblest moment, when everyone in the gambling den was mocking me, he gave me a thousand gold taels without asking the slightest question. Despite his young age, he possessed guts and decisiveness way beyond others. There's no doubt that he'll achieve great things in the future. Afterward, when I learned that he was the grandson of Duke Jiu, the more convinced I became of this matter. Little sister, surely you feel this even more vividly than I do."

Seated on top of a golden frame, Consort Taizhen also laughed. Wang Chong's three poems had solidified her reputation as the number one beauty of the palace, and this reputation was even gradually expanding beyond the palace walls.

As the person-in-question, Consort Taizhen was naturally well aware of this.

While Consort Taizhen was confident in her beauty, sometimes, beauty wasn't enough for one to be accredited.

"You're right. But until now, I haven't even seen him yet," Consort Taizhen smiled gently.

Regarding this young man who had revealed his admiration for her and caused such a huge storm in the royal court, even being locked in the imperial prison at one point, Consort Taizhen did harbor unique feelings toward him.

It was nowhere along the lines of 'love', but fondness, indeed. He was unlike any other youth she had ever met.

"Hehe, he's currently in the training camp, so if little sister wishes to meet him, there'll be chances."

Yang Zhao recalled his previous few meetings with Wang Chong and fell into deep thought.

"It's a pity that the Wang Clan is too powerful. Otherwise, I really wanted to pull him over to our side. But anyway, this works fine as well. With the Wang Clan and King Song's influence, as well as Zhangchou Jianqiong's promotion, little sister, you're no longer alone and weak in the royal court," Yang Zhao spoke happily.

Consort Taizhen nodded agreement.


"I'm a step too late!"

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