C242: One-eyed Fatty, Halo of Bog

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"Hehe, Miyasame. Try catching me!' Wang Chong smiled, revealing a set of snow-white teeth amidst the darkness.

"Gongzi, I won't hold back then."

Hearing those words, Miyasame Ayaka burst into laughter. Honestly, she was also interested to see how far Wang Chong had improved this time around.

While Wang Chong's footwork was much more profound than hers, she was still confident in catching him. After all, very little could make up for the huge disparity in their cultivation.

While Wang Chong did cross hands with her twice, neither of the two times was a straightforward battle. In the first case, he resorted to trickery, and in the second, she was heavily wounded by Li Zhuxin.

In terms of fighting prowess, Miyasame Ayaka was far above Wang Chong.

"Gongzi, I'm coming now."

Chuckling, Miyasame Ayaka's eyes narrowed into slits. Sou! Without any warning, the light at the entrance suddenly warped, and as though a spectre was melding into the void, she disappeared from view.

If one could comprehend the true essence of Spectre Steps, one would be able to meld into the night, thus becoming nearly indiscernible to the eye. Even a martial artist whose cultivation was far higher than one might only perceive a slight shadow, as if a transparent spectre was roaming around the lands. This was also how the name of the technique came about.

"Gongzi, I caught you!" Just several chi away from Wang Chong, a triumphant smile surfaced on Miyasame Ayaka's lips. Indubitably, Wang Chong was indeed talented, but he was still a way off from matching up to her.

(~1 meter)

"Miyasame, are you sure?" A slight chuckle echoed through the night. It was difficult to perceive from which direction it was coming from, but if one thing was for sure, it wasn't from the Wang Chong Miyasame Ayaka was looking at ahead of her. Her face immediately warped in astonishment.


Alarmed, she abruptly raised her speed, covering the several chi in an instant to grab Wang Chong. However, to her shock, her hands actually fell empty. Wang Chong had disappeared, leaving behind a momentary aftershadow in his wake.

"He disappeared?" Miyasame Ayaka narrowed her eyes. She didn't expect her move to actually fall empty. As a True Martial realm expert, she understood the significance of this phenomenon.

There was only one possibility as to how Wang Chong was able to dodge her sudden attack—his speed was above hers.

"How is this possible?" Miyasame Ayaka was in disbelief. This entire matter was too ridiculous for her to accept.

While she had never dared to underestimate Wang Chong, this feat seemed to defy even common sense, What was even shocking was that three zhang away, she saw three identical Wang Chongs smiling at her.

"Gongzi, how did you do it?" Miyasame Ayaka uttered subconsciously in shock.

There wasn't the slightest aura to be felt from the three Wang Chongs, and despite the sharpness of her senses, she couldn't distinguish the real from the fake at all.

"Hehe, this is called Phantom Steps." From a distance even further away, amidst the darkness, Wang Chong appeared from a broken wall. And with his appearance, the three aftershadows disappeared.

"... You can also see that those are the aftershadows I left behind. Due to my lacking mastery, I can only leave three aftershadows simultaneously at the moment. If I were to progress further, it would become possible to leave behind sixty to seventy aftershadows, thus utterly confusing my opponent."

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