C235: Miyasame Ayaka's Return!

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“This sure is a good steed!” Wang Chong was delighted. Half a cavalryman’s strength was derived from his steed. As an ex-Grand Marshal, Wang Chong possessed a particular fond toward such horsemen.

The steeds, riders, and armors; all of these would require a unique training and forging method. Without a doubt, the Zhuang Clan has already formed an entire system of it. Every single mounted troop is of utmost importance to the clan, so it’s no wonder why the Zhuang Clan would regulate the deployment of their cavalry so strictly, Wang Chong thought.


In the midst of his thoughts, a crisp sound echoed from the forest, and one after another, huge trees fell to the ground.

Amidst the ruckus, one could vaguely hear the sound of something sharp cutting into wood. It seemed as though nothing in the forests, no matter how thick it was, could stop the rampage of the sharp object.

Boom boom boom!

A moment later, three large trees the size of a human’s embrace were slashed before everyone’s eyes, and each of those gigantic trunks fell down in a different direction. Behind those trees, two brawny, fully-armored men appeared.

Their eyes were sharp and their footsteps were coordinated. However, what caught everyone’s attention instantaneously were the massive halberds in their hands.

The domineering aura they exuded felt like even mountains would be sliced aside before them.

The Steel Guards of the Chi Clan!

Even without Chi Weisi’s introduction, Wang Chong could easily recognize the identity of these halberd-wielding warriors. The three chi long halberd of the Chi Clan was exquisitely crafted. It had a clear mirror-like surface with a crimson flood dragon inscribed on both sides. Not to mention, its capability of splitting a mounted soldier along with his mount in a single cut could easily induce shivers in any opponent.

In an intense battlefield, they were the sharpest weapons for a frontal breakthrough. There was almost nothing that could block the path of these fearsome halberds.

“Young master!” the duo nodded slightly. For them, this was sufficient for a greeting. Regardless of whether it was in the Zhuang Clan or the Chi Clan, these cavalry and guards were a strategic asset, and they possessed an exceptional standing to match it.

“This is Wang Chong, Wang gongzi, an offspring of Duke Jiu. For the next few days, you shall be following Wang gongzi, so give him your full support!” Zhuang Zhengping and Chi Weisi turned to the steel cavalry and steel guards respectively and gave their orders.

“Yes, young master!” Hearing the name of Duke Jiu, a hint of respect immediately appeared in the eyes of the Zhuang Clan cavalry and the two Chi Clan Steel Guards.

In the Great Tang Empire, Duke Jiu was regarded with utmost respect. This wasn’t limited to the royal court but the military as well. Considering the fact that the person before them was an offspring of Duke Jiu, then it wasn’t too difficult to infer his identity.

Harboring such thoughts, the respect in their eyes deepened.

“Gongzi, are these people enough? Do you need us to have more personnel deployed over?”

“Indeed. Even though it’d be difficult to mobilize the strength of our clan, if it’s for Wang gongzi, I’m sure that our clans would surely agree to it,” Zhuang Zhengping and Chi Weisi said. The orders they had received before entering Kunwu Training Camp was that regardless of the situation, they had to befriend the Wang Clan’s Wang Chong.

In exchange, the clan would offer them whatever they needed.

“There’s no need for that, these people will suffice!” Wang Chong waved his hands, turning down the duo’s goodwill. What he was aiming for wasn’t a direct confrontation on the battlefield.

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