Chapter 3: Raza

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Hello everyone, I'm really thankful to all the people that are reading this. Special thanks to Rare526, @pweaseletmego and Red_Wolf777 for voting on my previous parts. The support is appreciated.

Carefully laid polished bricks and bright fiery lamps made up Raza's streets. Snowflakes were falling from the sky . Giant cones from which people went in and out stood around them.

The cones were weird, they were made with a blue hide on the outside and Lord Dagon knows what on the inside with smoke coming off their tops . If someone were to look at them from the sky they'd look like thick spikes in a circle.

Amon was slowly walking forward looking around wondering if there was something beneath the cones.
"Don't they look great?" Erden said in a coldhearted tone. His words felt like an incredibly thin ice needle in the back of the neck.

"Did I do something wrong?" Amon replied timidly, and looked down. "Is it because of what I asked? I'm sorry for it."
"No. It is but not entirely. Your question was just out of place, like... Like how would you have felt if someone close to you had died and you couldn't ...."
" I don't have anyone like that. Oh. I'm sorry for interrupting you. I won't do it again."

"Even the wolf?" Erden's voice spiked.
"Noir and I are just property." Amon stopped dead in his tracks, he could not move a single muscle as the thing behind him was not one that should be tested.
"What." Fury ran through Erden's eyes. He clenched his fists and approached Amon.

The boy closed his eyes and turned his head to the side. The time between every breath he took shortened. His body started shaking. I hope it ends quickly, he thought.

"I apologize for scaring you." Erden just patted his head and went on. "Let's go, we're close."
Amon, confused, waited for a bit before catching up with a sprint.

Five minutes later they stopped before an exceptionally tall cone near the wall. The blizzard had cleared out, and snow was no longer falling.

Erden went to a split in the hide of the cone, "Wait here for a bit." He said before going inside. A few moments later he gestured for Amon to come in.
The inside was suffocatingly warm, and everything was built within a circle. A strangely appetizing aroma roamed inside.

In the center there was a column with a built-in fireplace with wood next to it, where embers were still burning as a bowl with something was cooking on them.

At the top of the column strange bugs were trapped in glass bottles, emitted a light that was slowly fading.

The whole cone was being held by wooden rods. There is almost no furniture inside, except for a wooden desk, a bed and a weapon stand with a singular sword on it.
Amon felt the softness of the floor as it was covered in horse pelt.

"Welcome to my tent." Erden said with a smile before throwing some blankets on the ground. "Today you'll sleep here." He pointed at the bed and started removing his armor and carefully placing it on the ground.

Erden went to his desk and from one of the drawers pulled out two bowls and spoons. In them he poured from the stew he was cooking.

Amon's face became bright red as his stomach rumbled. Erden laughed it off and handed him a bowl at the sight of which the boy's eyes lit up. "Am I really allowed to have all this?"

Erden nodded, as soon as he did Amon dug in. Within seconds he had finished with the bowl, he then went to the bed and sat on it, it was as soft and fluffy as Noir's fur.

He smiled , These insects do live quite comfortably, he thought.
Erden sat next to the bed and Amon turned to the other side to hide his smile . "Tomorrow you're gonna reunite with your friend." He started "Your wolf, is a Satorius isn't he? He is truly magnificent, although I thought they were extinct...."

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