Chapter 2: Erden

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Chapter 2: Erden
They were moving, it wasn't a sweet ride either, what they were moving with, shacked from side to side. His hands were covered in something heavy. Amon opened his eyes, to see himself inside of a wagon, some sort of metal gloves were put on his hands. It was suffocatingly warm inside, every breath he took was accompanied with a burning sensation within his chest.

He was suffering all alone in the wooden box. Amon thrashed his body to the left, a heat wave hit him, he instinctively moved in the other direction where it was just a tiny bit cooler. He tried opening the door but it was locked.

Voices echoed from outside, the door behind him opened, and inside came the knight that had defeated him. His avian helmet wasn't on, he looked to be no more than thirty, long black hair fell on his broad shoulders, a gentle smile stood on his chiseled jawline. His eyes focused on Amon, they were weird, he wasn't like the other humans the boy had met.

There was no fear, disgust or pride in them. Just a stream of endless curiosity.
Once again sweat appeared on Amon's face, as this kind of eyes were all too familiar to him.

The knight sat down, and crossed his arms, “Are you willing to have a conversation with me? Or am I still too much of an insect for you?”

Amon turned his back on him and growled, “Someone like me and a human could never hold a conversation. In the end you'll just kill me when you've got what you wanted!” He said angrily with his hoarse voice.

The knight stood flabbergasted, “You're pretty grim for a little kid, you know. I promise not to kill you.” he had put his hands on his chest.

“Do you believe I would trust a lowly human? Just like that.” Amon barked back and  threw his hand at the knight. Although his action did nothing but fill the man's eyes with even more curiosity.
“Aren't you also a human?” 
“Shut up.” He replied in a quiet voice as his face turned red.

“Is there a reason you hate us so much, Mr.Unknown? Although even your hate is something humans do all the time.” He replied with a smile and turned to the other side. Amon jerked his head sideways, his gray eyes widened as one of his brows rose up.” Aren't humans communal animals? Why would you hate each other?”
“Sorry, can't tell you that.” He smiled and leaned back.

“Why, I thought you wanted a conversation!” The boy snapped back.
“I don't know if I could trust you!” The knight said sarcastically, “You might kill me once you've got what you wanted.” He raised his hands in the air.

Amon stood stupefied, he looked up and down and scratched his head, he brought his legs up his chest and hugged them. “How do you gain someone's trust?” He asked, Amon then buried his pale face in his legs that were covered in ragged brown pants.

The knight laughed, finishing with a sigh. He got down to the carriage’s floor and looked at Amon with a soft smile. “The first step is to know their name,” he said calmly, “ my name is Erden, Erden Badhelov Razarski. What's yours?”
“My name is Amon.” He extended his arm for a handshake. Erden gladly accepted.
“Can I ask where are we going, Mr.Erden?”

The man leaned back, relaxing his head on the wooden wall. “A nice place called Raza, I'm sure you'll like it.” His face turned stoic. “Although Amon, you might have to stay real close to me.”
“Why? I won't hurt you, and you won't hurt me. Right?” The boy got his hands together, crossing his fingers on his knees.

Erden shivered suddenly, his breath turned into steam. He looked at the boy and smiled. “I won't hurt you. I swear on my bloodline!” he said as he clenched his fist and put it to his chest. Amon buried his face into his legs, his muscles relaxed, Erden’s breath no longer turned to steam.

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