The end of a chapter

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May 2021

Olivia's POV

No words were coming out of my mouth, I was silent, why have I called her? I blame my impulsive thoughts here, why did they have to always appear in these type of moments?

"Olivia are you there?" - Leah asked now with a steady voice. I then took a deep breath

"Yeah, sorry, I'm here" - I said trying not to sound as if I hadn't been crying for the last 10 minutes.

"Are you okay? Why have you called me" - Leah asked. Good question, I don't know.

"I don't know... I guess that after reading your last message I thought that if we were going to talk it was better to do it while being on a call, you know so that we don't, umm... misunderstand anything. But now, I don't think it's a good idea either so- "

"Wait Olivia, please just- when are you coming back to England?" - Leah interrupted me.

"Why do you wanna know?" - I asked abruptly, I was taken aback with that question, that was bit random.

"Because I was going to say that when you come back we could talk properly, like face to face, rather that doing it on a call." - she said. Ah, it makes sense now then. I doubted at first, but I thought about it and she had a point, trying to understand each other's points of view while being on a call would not end up well.

"I'm coming back next week, on Monday" - I told her, I was hoping the conversation would end here, but then Leah reminded me about my contract.

"Okay well text me then whenever you can, so that we can meet up and talk. Also about your contract, could I maybe know which clubs are interested in signing you?" - she asked, she seemed like a child trying to find out what their parents are hiding from them.

"Umm... I'll tell you next week, when we meet up" - I said. There's really no reason for me not to tell her which clubs want to sign me, but I'm gonna make her wait.

"Uh... no? You know I'm not that patient..." - she said with a joking angry voice. Literally, a child.

"Leah you can wait one week, make your theories, explain them to me and I'll tell you if the clubs you think are interested in me have offered me a deal or not" - I said now smiling even though she couldn't see me.

"ugh... okay, deal." - this little moment felt as if nothing happened but after that neither of us spoke. Silence.

"Well then, um... I'll see you next week I suppose" - I then broke the silence

"yeah... see you next week" she said.That was awkward, I hung up and stared at my phone, feeling nervous, shocked but surprisingly I felt happier. I missed having Leah as my best friend, we used to tell everything that happened in our lives to each other, and she's that kind of person that listens and helps you every time.


The next day, it was going to be as always. I had training in the afternoon instead of in the morning, but apart from that, it was like any other day.

I left home and went to pick up Gwinn since she asked me to, I don't know why though, she likes going on her own to everywhere. She says it's because she enjoys being like on her zone with her music and all that, I just accepted picking her up and didn't question anything as to why today she changed, and decided to not go on her own. Once she saw I was pulling in she opened the door and got in. We said hi, and went to training. During the journey to the training ground, I sensed that Gwinn was on her phone and didn't really looked up at all.

"Giulia, is everythink okay? You havent looked up from your phone since we left your house." - i asked with a worrying tone.

"Uh what? Oh yeah, no, everything's fine. I'm just talking to my mum telling her about the next match and well about being this our las training session." - she said, now looking at me with a sad smile.

Never felt like this before - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now