Prologue pt.1

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Olivia and Leah have been friends since they were fourteen years old when they met at the Arsenal academy in 2011. Since then, they did everything together even going on holidays with their families which soon became a tradition. But as always, after every happy phase it comes a rough time, and that's exactly what happened to them in 2019 when Olivia was offered a 2 year contract from Bayern Munich, which meant not only that they wouldn't be together anymore in the same club but also living in different countries.

flashback to June 2019

Olivia's POV

Both mine and Leah's families are currently coming back from Lisbon, where we have spent our traditional holidays this year. I haven't been able to sleep during the flight at all as I'm not keen on being on a plane but it is what it is, however, Leah has been sleeping on my shoulder for half of it. Thank god we're landing in fifteen minutes so I decided to wake her up.

"Leah, come on wake up, we're landing soon" - I said not very loud because then she would probably get more moody than she already gets when someone wakes her up.

"ugh, my neck hurts" - she said while opening her eyes and groaning.

"well after sleeping on me for an hour it doesn't surprise me" - I said making her to roll her eyes at me.

"it's not my fault that you're comfy and plus, you don't even care" - she said now making me roll my eyes at her.

Not long after, we landed and exit the plane and went to grab our luggage, after that me and Leah accorded to meet up tomorrow for breakfast and that I would pick her up at nine in the morning, which I told her if it could be later than that as we have just landed in London and it's almost midnight, but she just shook her head at me, god she's so stubborn. We said goodbye to our families and I went with my parents so that they could drop me off at my place.

"Well, here we are darling, hope you visit us soon" - my mum said turning her head at me.

"Yes mum, I'll visit as soon as I can, love you bye!" - I said getting off the car and hearing both my parents and my brother waving.

As soon as I entered home I regretted not tidying up a little bit before going to Lisbon, but that can wait for tomorrow, I'm too tired now. I went upstairs, had I quick shower, brush my teeth and then I received a message.

Leah :) - Are you already at home?

Liv <3 - I am, just finished brushing my teeth and going to bed, you?

Leah :) - me too, see you tomorrow and don't be late 😑...

Liv <3 - won't promise anything but I'll try, but I mean seriously Leah? at 9 in the morning?

Leah :) - yeah Liv, 9 in the in the morning so stop talking to me and go to sleep

Liv <3 - hey you messaged me first, but yeah goodnight Le see you tomorrow at 9, or not😗

Leah :) - goodnight and I'LL SEE U TOMORROW or else...

Liv <3 - what?

Leah :) - You won't be able to be the DJ anymore whenever we're driving or at eachother places 😗

Liv <3 - your loss you love my music really, but yeah goodnight Le

Leah :) - I do not love it, and goodnight Liv


The next morning my alarm went off and I just groaned, god it's too damn early for me. I got up, got dressed and put on some blue straight jeans with a white t-shirt and my green adidas campus, I walk out and locked my door and went directly to Leah's. While driving, I got a message from my manager saying that we needed to meet up, I hope it's nothing serious. Little did I know...

I arrived to pick up Leah and we went to a café near the centre of St. Albans and just chatted for a while until she brought up that my contract was coming to and end, and I just didn't really think about it.

"Have you gotten an offer?" - Leah asked me with a very serious tone

"Not yet" - I said sipping from my coffee

"Do you think they'll offer you one? I think they'll do, but I also know that other clubs from England and also from outside will be interested in you" - Leah said, that last part with a little concern.

"Actually my manager messaged me before to say that we have to meet up, so maybe it's the extension, and I don't know about other clubs wanting me" - I said trying to reassure her that I don't think any club outside of England could be interested in me. But in fact, if it was the case I wouldn't really decline the offer immediately, don't get me wrong I love Arsenal, but I don't really get any minutes as my position is a midfielder and there's better options right now than me. While I was thinking this, I was snapped out of my thoughts when Leah waved her hand in front of me.

"Sorry, what did you say?" - I asked

"If you could drop me off at my mum's please? - she said

"yeah of course" - We got up to pay and got in my car so I could drive Leah to her mum's.

When we arrived we said bye and that we would talk later, I then arrived home and my manager started calling me.

Will (manager): Hi Olivia sorry for calling but could I maybe come round yours? We need to talk about your contract and possible moves

Olivia: uh... yeah sure

Will (manager): Okay thanks, I'll be there in five minutes

What? possible moves?


A/N - so idk if it's too long or not but the prologue will have a part 2 so yeah hope you enjoy this book.

Never felt like this before - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now