♡ replaced - changbin

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your life wasn't perfect, but it felt damn near close to it.

your boyfriend was changbin, the sweetest guy you could ask for. you had a great group of friends, you got good grades, and you were enjoying life overall.

you felt loved, heard, and happy.

but that wouldn't last much longer.

there was talk of a transfer student - her name was dahlia.

when you saw her in person for the first time, you felt less of yourself. she was nothing short of beautiful. her appearance resembled you, although she had nonexistent flaws.

you swore you couldn't find one thing bad about her, and as much as you wanted to hate her, be like her, you couldn't.

you could only be jealous because, how could someone be so perfect?

but you shouldn't be worried. she was friendly. very much so, especially towards your friends.

it was a little odd to you, why didn't she want to be friends with you as well? had you done anything to her?

however, "we'll be friends forever. nothing could replace you," your friends insisted and, "baby i could never fall for someone else, you're the only one for me," changbin promised.

you shouldn't doubt them. they never gave you any reason to.

you walked to your lunch table, the one you'd always sat at, and you saw she was there. talking and laughing with your friends.

once you arrived, she gave them a look you couldn't quite read and left.

that was weird, but you still had faith.

she was probably just looking for friends.

she wasn't trying to take your friends away, right?



group projects were never really your thing.

but in this case, the teacher had let you pick your partner.

of course you were going to pick your boyfriend. this was one of the few classes you'd had with him and this was an excuse to spend more time together.

but dahlia had picked him before you.

of course she had.

"hey, i'm not sure about this topic... you look like you could help me with it. wanna be partners?" she said, twirling her hair and fluttering her eyelashes.

it pissed you off and she knew it. you swore she knew it.

everyone was aware you and changbin were together. how could they not? you two were always with each other when you had the chance to be.

you knew he was gonna say no- no. you thought he was.

but the ever nice changbin couldn't say no - a word barely used in his wide ranging vocabulary - and agreed to be partners with the new girl, not even sparing you a glance.

you felt embarrassed, even more so when the teacher had to pick your partner.

but hey, changbin and your friends were just being welcoming to her.

you thought.


today was your two year anniversary with changbin.

your relationship had had it's ups and downs like any, but you loved changbin more than words could describe.

you were so excited, you got up early in the morning and rushed to get ready to go to his house to surprise him.

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