♥︎ - haunted houses

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requested by kidistea

♡ - it was halloween night and what better place to go then to a haunted house?
♡ - the haunted house was stressing both of you and chan out
♡ - "i feel like something is always gonna pop out at me," chan said, holding you close
♡ - "yeah, maybe it wasn't the best idea to come here..."
♡ - "well nothings popped out at us yet so thats good-"
♡ - right after he said that, a "ghost" jumped right in front of you two
♡ - you both screamed a little then looked at each other and started laughing
♡ - "this is kinda fun though"

♡ - you both were arguing over who could survive a haunted house the longest without getting scared
♡ - "if i survive longer than you, then you have to do whatever i want for a day" he said
♡ - and you def werent gonna let him win
♡ - getting through the first few parts of the house was easy, getting through the last few was much harder
♡ - there was a lot of clowns, vampires, "murderers", ghosts and etc around you both but what ended up scaring minho was a knock
♡ - "WHAT THE FUCK-" he screamed jumping
♡ - "LETS FUCKING GO! I WIN!!" you said happily
♡ - you walked into the car happy whilst minho was sulking
♡ - "i hate haunted houses."

♡ - you'd seen an ad for a haunted house while you two were having your weekly movie night
♡ - guess where he took you later that week?
♡ - "bin, why are we here?"
♡ - "this is a great opportunity to show you how i can protect you," he said, flexing his muscles to which you shook your head, giggling
♡ - when you walked in, a figure jumped out at the both of you
♡ - changbin got scared, putting you in front of him
♡ - "thought you said you would protect me?" you said, laughing
♡ - "hey, it's a new protection tactic!"

♡ - hyunjin was sketching a haunted house and you walked past
♡ - "that looks cool, i've always wanted to go to a haunted house with you"
♡ - "really? why don't we go to one tomorrow?"
♡ - you both didn't expect to be scared as much as you were
♡ - you two held onto each other and yelled at pretty much everything
♡ - "what the fuck is that thing?"
♡ - "i don't know but it looks really scary"
♡ - it blew in the wind and you both yelled
♡ - it was someones coat

♡ - he took you to one as a joke, but once he said "you're too much of a scaredy cat to go through the whole thing" you had to prove him wrong
♡ - jisung quickly regretted taunting you
♡ - "y/n, is that thing moving or is it just me? wait no-"
♡ - "ji, do you want to leave?"
♡ - "pff, what? nah i just- WHAT THE-"
♡ - he grabbed onto you, and you both left the building
♡ - "who's the scaredy cat now?" you teased
♡ - "shut up" he mumbled

♡ - now we all know he hates scary things but you wanted to go to a haunted house so bad and he wanted you to be happy sooo
♡ - you held onto each other trying to "protect" one another
♡ - you actually ended up screaming more than he did
♡ - and you both laughed about it afterwards
♡ - "well that was...eventful"
♡ - "let's just stick with the movies and food next time?"

♡ - "min, can we please go to a haunted house together?"
♡ - this was the third time you'd asked him in the span of an hour
♡ - eventually, he decided to take you to a haunted house that night
♡ - you weren't very scared but you did want an excuse to hold onto seungmin
♡ - so you leaned into him whenever something scary popped up
♡ - he knew you weren't scared, he could tell
♡ - "your acting isn't very good, just say you want to hold on to me" he rolled his eyes playfully
♡ - "i don't know what you're talking about" you said, holding onto him more

♡ - you had both watched a bunch of youtube videos together about going to haunted houses
♡ - so eventually you went together
♡ - jeongin wasn't getting scared and neither were you
♡ - "honestly, this is like a walk in the park"
♡ - "seriously, there's nothing scary here"
♡ - it was all fun and games until someone chased you both around with a "weapon" and that's when you guys started screaming
♡ - you both held onto each other until you got out of the house
♡ - "im taking it back"


thank you guys for 116k reads!! <333 sorry this chapter was so late

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