♡ car crash - felix

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(didn't edit this pic pls don't kill me)
requested by anonymous

"you'll be at work soon, right?" felix, your best friend, asked.

"yeah, i should see you tomorrow, sorry i couldn't come to your show," you lied. you were currently driving to his concert.

"it's cool, there's always other opportunities. i'll see you tomorrow. bye!"


you continued your drive, almost arriving at the concert venue.

you sang along to comflex by skz, beginning to rap, when all of a sudden a car hit you while you were turning.

the world started to fade from vibrant, beautiful colors to a dark, dark black. you heard a loud and extremely annoying ringing sound. it sounded as irritating as an alarm clock. you wanted to shut it off, only for five more minutes. so you fell back to sleep.

when you woke up, you heard a little more ringing; however, you were in a different bed.

"where am-" you slowly opened your eyes, the harsh lights of the hospital room burning your irises.

a woman walked into the room, telling you something you could only make out to the effect of "you were in a close to fatal car accident".

you immediately thought of felix. you were supposed to go to his concert to support him, and now you were bound on a hospital bed, all alone.

"do you need anything?" a nurse asked after the doctor had left.


felix had rushed into your room late into the night. he scrambled to get to you as soon as he could.

your eyes were closed, and you were trying to go to sleep. but felix didn't know that.

"fuck, y/n, fuck," he huffed, sitting next to your bed. "i got here as soon as i could. i know you can't hear me, but i love you so much. i don't know what i would've done if you weren't here with me right now."

did he just say he loved you?

"i wanted to confess to you for so long but im such a coward, i get nervous around you. you're so perfect and i- i don't know how to tell you. so much so i can only tell you this right now, when you're sleeping."

he sighed, holding your hand.

"im so sorry i couldnt be there for you-"

"felix," you said, opening your eyes slowly. you held onto his hand tighter.

"i love you too."

"i- what?"

"h-heard you. i love you too. i wanna be a couple, if that's ok with you. i was gonna go to your concert but someone crashed into me."

"well this is pretty fucking embarrassing," he said, blushing hard and hiding his face.

"no, it's not, i said yes didn't i? but it is a weird place to confess," you joked.

he smiled, "i know. wasn't planning on doing it in a hospital. it's not really the most romantic place. but im glad you're ok, thank you for always being there for me."

"thank you too. if i could've gone to your concert in this bed i would have. you don't have to be here you know."

"of course im here, don't wanna leave my favorite person here alone, and i know you would've," he laughed, "i love you, don't know where i'd be without my biggest supporter."

he got up a placed a kiss on your lips, smiling at how soft they felt, how sweet they tasted, how much he loved you.

he had a new favorite action now; kissing you.

during the kiss, you both saw and heard your heart rate go up.

"aw, cute!" he teased.

"oh shut up," you rolled your eyes jokingly, "i love you too."


and at his next concert, you were present.

despite being in an uncomfortable wheelchair, you still had fun, being there for the person who loved you most.

the person you loved most.


happy cinco de mayo!

what's your guys favorite felix song?

ily guys sm, i love reading the nice and funny comments you guys leave!! thanks for the support seriously!! 🫶🫶

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