55. Reunited with Ryan

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A/N: Guys, I left a note in the last part saying I wasn't expecting many comments and it ended up having more comments than any chapter so far. Crazy! Thank you for the engagement :)

Also, I have once again decided to split a long chapter into two. The next part will be posted soon so don't worry. Damn this story just keeps getting longer and longer! Still, the end is near.


Ryan's gaze locked onto me, his eyebrow arched in silent question upon watching Dominic and me returning together. I offered a smile, hoping to conceal any trace of our clandestine escapade. Ryan refrained from probing further, probably only just then realizing Dom and I had been gone. As I reclaimed my seat, Ryan got up, moving to sit by my side, his body heat a contrast to the cool evening air. He cast a glance at Rosie who was engrossed in conversation with Dom and Lily.

"You okay?" His voice was a soft murmur, and carried a subtle undercurrent of concern, sensing my nervousness.

"Yeah," I managed with a quick, tight nod. My throat constricted with anxiety as I caught Dominics cautionary gaze. Ryan noticed the unspoken warning, his features darkening with the shadow of a glare.

"He's not bothering you anymore, is he?" His words held a protective edge.

"No, we were just bringing some luggage upstairs," I replied, the lie bitter on my tongue as I avoided his concerned gaze. Compelled by curiosity, my eyes drifted upward to the window where Dominic and I had been only moments earlier. The darkness shrouded any evidence of our presence, hiding the cum that we had left smeared on the glass.

Ryan exhaled a sigh of relief at the explanation. "Rosie's friends are on their way to pick her up. Looks like I won't have to drive her back home."

The anticipation of Ryan staying over stirred excitement within me, but then a knot of nerves coiled tight. How would Dominic take it? His easy smile and nonchalant demeanor masked any hint of his jealousy, but I knew it had to be there. He seemed to be distracting himself in conversation with Lily and Rosie, a relaxed smile on his face, seeming not to mind that Ryan and I had drifted together. He probably figured I'd behave with Ryan as long as Rosie was near.

The earlier irritation I felt towards Ryan now felt like a distant memory, overshadowed by the allure of his attention that was finally focused on me. As we settled side by side, the unnecessary proximity of Ryan's legs brushing against mine sent a jolt of familiarity tingling through me. The sensation of his presence, so close yet so forbidden with Rosie right there, was a bittersweet comfort that I craved. It was nice being with Ryan again and I was looking forward to Rosie making her exit.

For what seemed like an eternity, Ryan and I delved into casual conversation, chatting about the tales of my trip. The camping, Lily's gigs, the cramped car ride. I skirted around the edges of truth, ensuring not to mention the man who had managed to drug me. I was still far too embarrassed that I had let that happen. I wanted to ask what Ryan had gotten up to while I was gone, but refrained, worried he would say he was with Rosie the whole time.

As Rosie's departure drew near, the tension crackled in the air, my anticipation growing. Ryan and I followed her to the front of the house to say our goodbyes, leaving Dominic and Lily cuddling on the back patio sofa. The farewell between Ryan and Rosie unfolded before me, Ryan taking her into his strong arms and giving her a lingering kiss. Rosie gave a playful squeeze to his ass, a mischievous grin on her face. With a blush, Ryan grabbed her wrist, pushing her hand away as he shot me a nervous smile. The exchange between them sent a pang of jealousy through me, my mask of indifference slipping for a fleeting moment.

Rosie waved as she got into the car with her friends and I nodded my goodbye with a forced smile, hiding my annoyance at how handsy she was with our man. No matter. I would make him mine again tonight. The second their car was out of sight, Ryans hands found my face, sealing our reunion with a passionate kiss. I felt my gut stir with feelings for Ryan, our first kiss in over a week. My earlier anger seemed diminished now that Ryan was giving me the attention I had been aching for.

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