Special Dinner

299 28 3

Phayu read a simple text.
Mae and Por are here
From his bro.

Good thing he changed the bed. And clothed Rain before he came to cook lunch for Rain.

Rain wakes up and they eat.
They talk about how the semester had been.

Rain will be sophomore this coming semester.

"Planning to have an advanced subject?" Phayu asked.

Rain sulked.

"O' come on. Baby It will be easier for the semester if you take at least 9 units.".
Phayu advices.

"You've got 2 weeks to think. Ask your friends." Phayu said.

Rain nod his head.

"Baby?" Phayu looked at Rain.
Then moved closer.
He sucked the sauce on the corner of Rain's mouth then wiped it gently with tissue.

Enjoy the show. Pa Ma.
Phayu said in his brain
At the corner of his peipheral view.
He saw some plants moving he can't see the outside but he suspect they are being watched.

Good thing Rain is in a good mood.
Rain happily accepted his chores as the kitchen cleaner.
While Phayu started collecting the ingredients for to tonight's menu.

"Baby make a kimchi na." Phayu asked Rain as he mops the floor.

"Do you have the ingredients?" Rain asked.

Phayu happily nod his head.

"Ok, I'm done cleaning anyway" Rain said.
He placed the mop in it's keeping place.

Washed his hands well and begin making fresh kimchi using Chinese cabbage and onion leaves.

For the rest of the menu they help each other
Phayu makes sure Rain won't get bored and the will make delicious dishes.

They need to impress the parents.
And Rain goes well as if they talked about it.

It was not scripted.

While Phayu and Rain sleep.

"Saifah!" Por called loud.

Saifah is a bit startled.

"You're back!" He exclaimed and hugged his parents.

"Where's Phayu?" Mae asked.

"In his... room." Saifah hesitantly said.

"That boy is here!" Mae said loud.
And quickly walked to the garage house.

Door locked.

P' Aun opened the door.

Not a mess. Unlike last time.

Por tries to stop Mae climbing the stairs but she moved quickly.

She paused on the door. Then slowly opened it.
It is not locked.
This two never learned

Slowly she entered.

Rain is gugging a pillow.
While Phayu hugs him

"Aw..." Mae whispered.

"They look cute together." She added.
Covered her mouth with her fingers.

From the look of the two sleeping babies. They have blanket but not all of their bodies are cover with it.
It shows they are not naked.

Slowly Mae and Por walked down the stairs quietly.

Mae looked around and it's clean.

Mae get her phone.
"Cook something we'll come for dinner."
Send to Phayu.

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