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"where have you been?" Dino asked Phayu.

"Work" Phayu said.

"Have you seen the portal?" Dino again throw question.

"Yeah" Phayu said in low tone.

"And?" Dino asked.

"He is mine" Phayu just said. In low volume, low tone voice, but possessive manner.

"Okay, we've tried mung. But your boy's charm spread. Nurses Some from Meds. Some from Education. And Business Class became interested to him." Dino narrated.

"Now your back. Take care of it. I also have a boy to take care of." He added..

Phayu smiled.

"Thanks mung." He said.

He grabbed his phone and asked someone to do him a favor.

Rain received a letter.
From the College admin.

He is bothered and opened it.

He is advised to go to his locker and clean it.

Before lunch Sky and Sig came with him.
"Shibbba!!!" Rain said loud.

His locker is opened but filled with mixed fruits flowers and other things.

One by one they picked each container plastic and pack.

"Can I sell this?" Rain asked.

Pie became worried and bring her new friends with her followed Rain in the locker and was happy and sad for Rain.

"Even if you changed your hair color to black. Because they have seen you. You can't be unseen now." Pie said.

"Sky open video. Please." Rain said.

"Recording " Sky said.

Rain waiid.
"Sawadee khab. I am grateful for you guys. But I am not an idol. Please do this to temples and not on my locker na. I appreciate your efforts and thank you.. but please stop." He said sadly
He waiid again and the record stopped.

Sky posted.
"Words from Rain." The background Pie Sig and others holding the gifts sorting them.

"Now what are we gonna do with these?" Sig asked.

"We can eat them."Sky said.

They walked to the students park that the senior architect made for students to hang out while waiting or study. Or gather for picnic.

They placed the roods on the table.

The flowers are removed from the wraps. And joined together.

"Do you know that in the old times there was a story similar to this. They were meds and scientist students. What they did to the flowers they gave it to all the ladies they came across with. And some guys asked also and the goodies they gave it away for free" one of Pie's friends said.

"Was it Doc. Phana and Prof. Wayo?" Pie asked.

"Yes" her friend said.

"The angel gang spread the gifts." Pie said.

Phayu came walking when he saw the clip. He bought lunch and looked for them.

"We better leave" Sky said.

"Being them all with you" Rain said.

"I got the flowers" Sig said.
Sky gathered some of the foods. And the ladies took the rest. Everyone waiid at Phayu first, before leaving.

The table became empty.

Phayu placed fried tempura. Sushi bits
"For appetizers" he said.
He removed the plastic wrap.
Then opened small containers of sauce and dip.

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