beach time

243 18 1

"I wish I could come " Prapai said.

"You can come on Sunday." Sky said.

Prapai pouted.

"Then we go and visit them Sunday" Sky suggested

Prapai sighed.

"No. I want you to enjoy it also na. After the other night and all you've been through for the last few weeks you need this na."
Prapai said.
He hugged Sky from his back.

"You only have a week for vacation anyway." Pai added.

Sky leaned his body on Prapai.

"Thanks na p.'" he said happily.

"Okay I will come and get you on Sunday."Prapai assured.

Prapai carried Sky's bag downstairs.

"Oh. This is supposed to be our first weekend together, na." Pai's mom said.

"I am sorry Mom I was planed ahead." Sky said a bit shy.

"It's okay na. We can plan weekends and vacations" Mom said.

Sky smiled and nodded his head. Showing excitement.

"Then I need to finish my papers. For that vacation" Pai's sister said.

"Nong Phan I will help you when I get back na" Sky said.

Prapai smiled at how his family loved and accepted his beloved Sky.

A beep of the van outside.

Mae walked to the door. Sky and Prapai followed.

Then Por came to join.
"I wanna know who my son-in-law's company is on this trip." Dad said.

Rain gets down from the van. Dino from the driver's seat.

Rain came to greet the family. And Dino to get Sky's bag.

"Por wats to meet them all." Prapai said.

Rain smiled.
He walked to the van.
"Everyone p' Pai's dad wants to know whom his son in-law is with." Rain said.

Everyone gets down from the van.
"I am Dino sir. 3rd year engineering." He said.

"I am Som sir and also third year chaperone of these kids since day 1 in our college"Som then showed respect.

"Wadee Khun Por I am Rak Sky and Rain's friend since hazing days." He then moved a bit.

"Wadee Por. I am Sig." He said.

"Yeah I know you." Por said.
Sig wonders how.

"Sawadee. I am Pie." the only girl smiled.

"Only one girl?" Por asked.

"Not really Por. We will fetch Sammy and Becky on the way na. Also our friends." Rain said.

"Shalam sir" Shalam said short and smiled.

Por smiled at him.

"Rain what about Phayu?" Por asked.

"Like p' Prapai he can't come na Por " Rain said.

"Let me give you body guards then" Por said.
Everyone looked at Prapai

"No need na Por. We will be safe in my cousins place na." Rain said.

"Ah nice choice. I am now at peace Rain." Por said.

Take care all of you and nong Dino drive safely." Por said.

Dino bowed
"I will sir " he said.

The kids say good bye to Prapai's family.
Then the van leaves.

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