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Rain your p'Phayu is here waiting for You.
A message from Mae.

"Mae I don't wanna talk to him yet.
He kissed someone in front of many people and I was there.
He was in the party but lied to me."
He messaged his mom.

Atleast tell Mae where you are na.

"Mae when I run away. I never really run away na" Rain responded.

Okay I won't tell Por untill Phayu leaves.
Don't go anywhere not safe na."

"I know Mae. Please I need to to think.'


Rain then put his phone In airplane mode.
Laid nicely

The night has passed.

Knock on the door.

"Nong Rain are you awake?" A guy asked.

Rain is not yet responding.

"Let him sleep na Nong nong. We can wait for him to wake up we have whole day with him na." One said.

They agreed to leave Rain's cabin.

The sun starts to heat up and the rays of the sun passes through the glass windows.

Rain felt the heat and wake up.
He smiled.
A day away from Bangkok.

He wears the clothes his eldest gave him last night.
He walked out of the cabin and feel the breeze of the sea

"There he is" he heard a voice.

He looked at them.
His cousins from his mother side are waiting for him.

They have these time frame for vacation.
Bug the phi's that are working will leave later.

He rush walked towards them.

"So what are we all here?" One cousin. Asked.

"Rain came to me last night crying so I called everyone." One of them said the only girl among them all.
Other girls are younger and not included in the conversation.

"Who?" One asked.

"Phayu" the other said.

"Auntie said he is good and nice." The eldest said.

"We all have our own flaws." The only lady said.

"It might be a minor fight na. We all go through it." The second eldest said.

"Phayu. Owner Khun Pakin's favorite garage?" One asked.

Rain nod his head.

"Rain are you sure you don't do anything to make him do what he did?" He asked.

Now his cousins are turning against him.

But still some fights for him.

It begins a debate

"Before chaos starts, speak up Rain." The only girl said.

"I just want a little air." Rain said.

"Because?" The eldest asked.

"I saw him kiss someone as parg of hazing? He had parties I am not invited. He lied.
Just that" Rain said sighed.

"Wait!" The eldest said.
"When did kissing part of the hazing?" He asked.

Rain pouted.

"But I can't believe it" the second eldest said.

"And I can't believe you know p' Phayu." Rain said.

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