are you hiding something?

380 26 3

"Rain your friends are downstairs." Mae said softly.

Rain smiled then opened his eyes.

"I'll wash up and come in a bit na." Rain said.

"Okay" Mae said then walked out of the room.

As promised to Mae by Phayu after that night. Rain is sent home.
Not on his own. Phayu drove the car. But went home quickly he had lits to do in the garage.

Rain is better now. Not weak not even a fever. But some coughs. So he wears a face mask.

Sky and Sig wait on the sofa.
Upon seeing him, his friends stood to get closer and hug him.

"You..." Rain said and quickly moved away.
"Don't hug ..   no hugs." He said then coughed.

"You are still not that well." Sig said feeling sad.

"I am fine na mung just need to cure the cough tho.
And my body is still a little weak." Rain explained.

"Wait.  Why are you here again?" Rain asked.

"Everyone will leave next week na after exam. We plan to have weekend outing." Sig said.

"How many of us?" Rain asked.

"What outing?" Mae asked friendly and interested.

"Just in Pattaya na Mae it's only hours from here na." Sig said.

"And we don't drink liquor na Mae." Sky said

Mae looked at Rain.

"Will you let me go with them?" Rain asked.

"No!" Mae said straight.

"Aw..." Sig said

"Mae.." Sky tries to talk to Mae.

"Here me out young man" Mae said.

"Rain. Your symptoms are not yet cured na." Mae said.

"I'll be healed by then na it's 4dqys to go. Na." Rain said.

"You are all freshmen" Mae said.

"Mae we are above 18 na." Sky said

"Rain you know better place why in Pattaya?" Mae asked.

Rain removed his face mask.
He smirked.
"Sig. Sky prepare yourselves na." Rain said.
"And tell all who will come. I'll bring you to a better place." Rain said.

"Oh-ow! When it comes to going out you get fast look at you. You became thinner.. and still sick." Sig said.

"Believe me Sig you will like that place." Rain said.

"Then sleep rest and get well see you Friday." Sky said.

Rain nodd his head.

"Mae we will leave then na." Sky said.

Mae smiled and nodded her head.
Sig and Sky waiid and leave.

"I'll tell them" Mae said.

Rain smiled.

"Go, have some more rest na. Or you can stay in the family room.
It's cool and quiet there." Mae said.

Rain nod his head.

He laid on the sofa. Looking outside. The winds sways the leaves.

"Looks like it's gonna Rain again." He said to himself.

He closed his eyes.
A thin blanket covered over his body.

"Have some more rest na. You pu did great with your grades." Mae whispered.

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