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Author's pov :-

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Author's pov :-

After some time, the three girls meet at the shopping mall. The girls were having fun when Naira excused herself so that she could go to the restroom. The way to the washroom was dark and the lights were very dim. While returning from the washroom,she found that someone had locked her. She cried out for help but no one could hear her.

Seeing Naira not returning for a long time, Keerti and Mansi went inside the washroom and found Naira fainted. Mansi got tensed and called Kartik. Kartik after hearing the incident, took his keys and left for the mall.

When he reached, he saw Naira lying on the floor and Mansi and Keerti were beside her.

Kartik: What happened to her?

Keerti: sir, actually she went to the washroom. We were waiting for her for a long time, seeing her not returning, we came here and saw her fainted.

Kartik picked her up and took her to his car. He took her home. He laid her on her bed and waited for her to regain consciousness.

After half an hour, Naira woke up. She remembered the washroom incident and got scared. She called Kartik in fear. Kartik came running and hugged her.

Kartik: Everything is fine, nothing happened, relax and tell me what happened to you in the washroom. How did you faint?

Naira: When I tried to open the door of the washroom , I found it looked. I slipped and fainted.

Kartik: You take a rest.

Next day, Kartik came down and Naira was there. He came towards her.

Kartik: Today you won't go to the office and stay at home.

Naira: But why?

Kartik: no means no, you take rest for today and come to office tomorrow.

Naira was sad but Kartik couldn't help it. He wanted Naira to take some rest because of yesterday's incident and her clumsiness. He went to the office.

Kartik returned home in the evening. He saw Naira sitting with everyone in the living room. He went towards her.

Kartik: I know that your day was a bit boring but I have news for you. Next week we have a board meeting with Naksh, after which we are taking over the project.

Naira was so happy because she had worked a lot in making the file for the project. She wanted to give her maximum concentration on the board meeting now. She started working on the files and stuff.

One night, Naira was busy making files. She was tired so slept on her desk. Kartik came to her room and saw this. He picked her up and laid her on the bed and slept beside her. Naira didn't know that every night Kartik used to sleep with her.

Like this one week passed and the day for the board meeting came.

Kartik and Naksh both came to the office for the meeting. All investors and shareholders were present. Naira was also there. Naksh saw Naira and smiled at her. Seeing Naksh smile, Naira smiled back.

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