telling Tyler

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After Tate dropped me off back home. I spent the rest of the night trying to work up the courage to beat able to ask everyone to come to the meet up with my mom. I ended up reaching out to Timothy first. I was gonna see Becks tomorrow since it she was gonna be at home. Though she was out for a month they let her go home and she just have to keep her physical activity to a minimum. So for the next few weeks she is doing her work online. And every morning before I go on campus I check in on her to make sure she's all good.

When I called Timothy, he was out of breath and filled with energy. He was doing a late night work out session. I didn't have him on the phone long. I kind of just ripped it off like a band aid. For a moment he was silent. Then he said, "Are you sure you're ready?" And for a second I wanted to badly to lie and say yes. But I was gonna drag him into this shit so I want to be honest. So I told him no I wasn't. My mom was forcing it and if she wasnt gonna at least respect that fact that I'm not ready, I at least want it to be on my terms around people who would support.

Of course Tim said yes. And I let out the biggest sigh of relief. I doubted he would have said no but it was still at the back of my mind. We talk for a little bit longer til he got back to his dorm, and then i wished his a goodnight and headed to sleep.

The next morning I prepared myself to tell Becks. I was nervous but it wasn't because I'd think she say no. I knew she was gonna say yes. I'm nervous about how she gonna react on the rules I'm giving her specifically. She is not allowed to interrupt me and my mom. She has to stay with Mike and Tim. And she, under no circumstances, is allowed to attend k my mom. Becks never really pushed me about info in my mom. She knows more than most. But once she's in front of my mother and she hears the full story, I know she's gonna be a handful.

In the morning I made my way to Becks house. And it went the way you would've expected it. First of all, she had already knew what I wanted to ask her. How you ask? My dad told her aunt, her aunt then told her, and now here we are. And I'm starting to think my dad can't even hold water let alone a secret. However since she already knew and agreed I had thought telling her about her restrictions would be a piece of of cake.

.......boy was I kidding myself.

She went ridged.

"Why do I need stay with Tim and Mike?" She asked

I looked at her with a knowing look. "You know why. You will not be able to contain your attitude or your irritation. And this is gonna be a hard conversation and I need to be focused and so does she."

"I can be quiet while the two of you talk." She said. And I just stared at her.

Her shoulder immediately slumped. "Alright, fine. I'll behave myself." She said.

"And if you don't. I'll give both Mike and Tim the right to carry you out of that diner." I said sternly. She seemed like she wanted to protest but I cut her off with a single look. She backed down and just nodded.

Becks already told me that her aunt already agreed to be there but I still asked her. She said yes but I saw that she wanted to say more.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

She put her hands on my shoulder and squeezed lightly. "You are strong. You are beautiful. You are powerful. Your dad may not be a hundred percent behind this idea but I am proud of you. That may not mean much but I felt like I should say it." She said and she drew me in for a hug.

For a moment I was stunned and taken aback by her affection but then I fell into the warmth of her arms and hugged her back. Hear those words did more for me than she knows and it nearly brought me to tears.

She pulled away with a smile and I have her one in return. I pulled away and made my way out of the door. She watched me walk to the car and wave at my dad. He blew her a kiss from the driver door and she caught it with a flourish. I cringed so hard.

"Really?" I said to him as I slid inside of the vehicle. I am now regretting asking him to take me to school today.

He laughed as he slid hisself back into the car and put his seatbelt in. "What can I say? I'm a romantic."

I rolled my eyes and gagged.

He feigned offense. "I don't do that when you and Tate get all love dovey." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah you just get flustered or annoyed. Like a teen who just watched there parents kissed in front of them, which is quite ironic considering your the parent." I said sarcastically.

"Shut up and put you seatbelt on, Nemo. Before throwing you overboard. You still want to make it to school right?" He asked teasingly.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my seatbelt onto. This g between me and my dad were still a little tense, but it was getting better. I feel like once the talk with my mom is over we will be able to get back to some resemblance of normalcy.

As dad pulled off he gave me a quick glance yet. "Only one left." He said.

And I cringed a little. Yep. The one who had been there the entirety of the way. The one who helped through sickness and in health. The one who saw how badl the effects of my mothers stupidity and how it effected me. "You think he's gonna say no?" I ask dad and he shook his head.

"The boy loves you as much as I do. Hell, that kid practically helped me raise you. Will he hate that fact that you're doing this so soon after the surgery yes. He will probably be Ben try to change your mind. But he won't say no." Dad said confidently.

I nodded. Not sure if I was doing it to agree with dad or to convince my self that it would be ok.

I had Tate. I had Tim. I had Mike, my dad, Becks and her Aunt and all that's left is telling my doctor. Don't get me wrong Doc Tyler is a brilliant doctor, but he has one weakness and he cares too much. He had seen my case through since I was a baby. Even when he wouldn't be head doctor on surgery, he would still be involved. That man very rarely left my side. He was always so vocal on how he didn't understand how a mother could be so irresponsible and it's her body, especially knowing she was carrying a child.

Tyler even met my mom few times. She had showed up at the hospital a few times to see my dad. And on one of those days my dad wasn't there. He had try to get her to come see me. She was on the visitation list and he had even called my dad to make sure it was ok. But she didn't want to, instead she took the phone from Tyler and asked my dad for some money. He never mentioned seeing her to me again. He probably had seen her but just didnt want to upset me.

I don't know why me and my dad were so nervous about asking him to join us for the meeting, but we were. Me and him were gonna invite him over for dinner and talk to him then.

Dad pulled up to the school and let me out. And as we said our goodbyes. I knew the only thing that were on our minds was telling Tyler.....

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