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The day went by slow and boring. With out my other half present I was utterly and completely uninterested in most things around me.

"Loni?" A familiar masculine called.

When I turned around a small smile graced my lips. It was Nando.

"Hi." I said.

"You on your way to class?" He asked with a bright smile. His hair was slicked back today, allowing his brown eyes to shine. He seemed energized and full of joy.

"Yes, I am. You seem excited?" I said

"Well our football team won a game last night. So I'm still riding the high. And I just finished working out so I have a a lot of energy. You should come to one of our game? I could get you some tickets for the free." He said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Sports is not my thing. Never have been never will be. But I will always be praying for a safe game." I said kindly. I was being completely honest. I hated sports. Years in a hospital bed and the only thing I couldn't get into was sports. I tried football, basketball, baseball, tennis, etc., but none of them interested me.

One time I tried watching a season of football with my dad, all the way up to the Super Bowl, and I nearly fell asleep every game. Didn't understand a damn thing. But the Super Bowl was cool. I don't remember who preformed tho.

"But Tate is your thing?" He said snarkily.

I nearly stopped in my steps but I made sure to keep walking. I looked him in the eye. "Though it's none of your business, yes he is. Loyal. Understanding. And Mine." I said confidently. Though it was cringey, it was true.

"I just didn't expect the Viper to be your type." He said with shrug of his shoulders and I immediately busted out laughing.

"That's what they call him. Viper. Was that a name he called himself or was the gym the one that come up with that? Oh my god. What's your name?" I snorted.

Tate rolled his eyes and blushed crept over his face. He avoided eye contact before he spoke. "Chimera."

I laughed louder. "And your coming at Tate? Huh!? Please." I couldn't hold a straight face worth my life. Once I got my laughter under control, I turned back to him. "Now, what's your problem with Tate, chimera?"

"Like I said before, I don't have a problem with him. He seems ok. But no decent dude becomes one of the best fighters in underground fighting for just being understanding. And also he's the guy I'm going up against in the next few weeks." He said and I couldn't help but roll my eyes again.

"My relationship has nothing to do with you. And I have made it clear before I am not interested in you unless it's friendship but if you push me, we won't even have that. Now the underground fighting stuff. If I have questions I'll ask Tate or Mike and if they aren't available, then I'll hit you up. Now will you like to go to class or are we gonna have to keep going back and forth like little girls?" I said without stuttering and I meant every word of it.

A sly smile began to slowly form on his lips. "My god. You are a force to be reckoned with. Let's go to class. I'll make sure not say anything else to piss you off." He said.

"Good." I said and we began to make our way to my favorite class.

As we walked to class my head was filled with the conversation me and Nando just had and I'll be honest I didn't necessarily like it. Maybe he was just a worried friend or a jealous guy but regardless it was inappropriate, and I think I shut him down well enough this time. Hopefully he won't overstep my boundaries anymore, because I really like him as a friend. We had been texting about some of our favorite art pieces and other things lately and he never flirted or made any inappropriate passes. So today was a little annoying.

Class's went by fast and I spent most of the class with my teacher trying to figure out a way to begin sculpting my project. She gave me some pointers and she told me the best way to get this done is make sure I have someone who knows what there doing to help me with this. She had offered but I already had someone in mind.

As everyone left I pulled out my phone and dialed Tate. The phone only rang once and he picked up the phone. "Hello, my little owl."

A smile crept on my face and I could feel the flush forming on my cheeks. "Hey. Are you busy?" I asked

"Nope. I'm actually finished for the day. You need me?" He asked and I could hear the smile in his voice and it just made my stomach flip.

"Ummm...yeah. You know how to sculpt stuff, right?" I asked.

"I dabble. This for that project?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Where are you right now?" He asked.

"The art room at my school." I said.

"I'm on my way. I'll be there in 10." He said and hung up. A big smile crossed my face and I began to gather my stuff.

I stood up and made my way out of the class and outside of the class Nando was waiting for me.

"What you waiting for?" I asked him.

"You. Was gonna walk you to where ver your going?" He said.

"No thanks. Tate is coming to pick me up." I said with a smile.

"Then I'll wait with you." He said returning my smile.

Well that's gonna be awkward, I wanted to tell him no but before I could I could hear a car honking outside. A wide smile split my face. "Well seems you won't have to. Jeez, did he speed here." I said with excitement. I exited the building and as soon as I seen him I ran into his arms.

"Hello, my little owl." He said as he lifted me in his arms and he squeezed me tight.

"Hi, my Tate." I whispered in his ear.

Yeah.....we are so cringe.

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