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Lorelei didn't like this, not at all. Gritting her teeth, she tapped her fingers against the garage railing, staring out at the empty road. She knew her relationship with Derek was strained, but what did he expect?

She couldn't let him kill someone without proof. She definitely wouldn't allow those innocent teens to become murderers. Once one spills blood, it's never the same.

"You are not about to possibly kill a teenager, Derek," Lore growled towards the Alpha, nails tapping against her folded arms. The three teenagers were looking back and forth between the two, eyes wide at her defiance.

"Yes, we are. If Jackson is the Kanima, he needs to die."

"Are you seriously hearing yourself? You're talking about killing an innocent kid with no fucking proof!" Pushing off from the wall, Lorelei advanced towards Derek, the two glaring at each other as if the other would back down. "You need actual proof before you go on a killing spree."

"I'm not going to kill him if he's not, but I can't let him go if he is!"

"Oh? And how do you plan on testing it, hm? Just gonna go up to him and ask all politely 'hey buddy, i know my bite didn't work, but i think you might be killing people. Can you change for me to prove me right?'"

Derek slammed a fist into a wall, growling low in his throat towards her. "That's not how that would go, and you know it, Lorelei."

"Then tell me! Tell me how you're going to get proof! Because so far, Jackson is innocent until you can prove otherwise."

Derek scoffed at her. "Innocent?? He went after your daughter!"

"IT went after my daughter. You don't know that it's him," she corrected. "You need proof, Derek. I refuse to let you kill someone innocent."

Red eyes flashed towards her. "Let me? I'm the Alpha here."

Lorelei growled low in her throat as she narrowed her eyes towards him. "Sure aren't acting like one," she commented, "and until you start taking steps on being a better one, like hell will I allow you to make them have spilled blood on their hands. You want to go on a killing spree?? Fine, I can't stop you. But I will not allow you to pull them down with you."

Looking down at her hands, she flexed them as the memory of her first kill came to mind. There was so much blood, no matter how much she scrubbed at her skin. Closing her eyes, she tried to push the thoughts aside and focus on the present. If she looked back, it would only result in a downward spiral of hatred. Ever since that damned creature came into the picture, everything was spiraling out of control.

Tucker was killed.

Derek and she hadn't spoken normally in so long.

Her daughter was avoiding her.

Clenching her fists, Lorelei turned and went to press the button to close the large garage doors. She knew it was a bad day to open up after everything. Pressing her palms against her eyes, Lore let out a scream of frustration while bending over. She hated this – so much.

Something groaned against one of the garage doors, stopping it from closing, and just as a hand went to grab at her shoulder, Lore turned and caught Derek's wrist. Black eyes stared at the man, tears threatening to fall. She was just so overstimulated.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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