Chapter 8

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(Meanwhile, on that same night, the boys have landed on Howland Island, as they are settling for bed in their sleeping bags around a campfire)

Thunder: Ok, let's get a good night's sleep so we can get an early start in the morning.

Marshal: (Hearing the animals growling) I don't think we should have taken this short cut. I-I-It's too dangerous.

Robert: Aw, relax, kid. This isn't the arcade game. (He feels something in his sleeping bag.) Huh? (He then pulls out a lizard and screams, throwing the lizard away from him. The lizard walks back into the brush, glaring angrily at him) Phew

(The boys then settle in for the night, as an owl hoots in the trees, scaring Marshal)

Marshal: Ah, uh, did you hear something?

The boys: Nope.

Marshal: (Shuddering) But, uh, something's out there.

Thunder: Don't tell me you're still afraid of the boogeyman.

Sun Winter: Don't worry, Marshal. We are right here. Just try to go to sleep.

Marshal: Ok. (He then goes to sleep, gripping tight to the cover of his sleeping bag)

(Later that night, the boys are now fast asleep, as their fire has gone out. Even the lizard that Robert got rid of earlier is sleeping on Robert's sleeping bag. But all the while, Marshal hears a cracking bush nearby that wakes him up. He blinks his eyes and turns his head at his surroundings, but he sees nothing and he sighs. At that moment, a pair of hands grab Marshal by the mouth and he screams and tries to get away, but the hands drag him into the jungle! The next morning, the boys yawn and slowly wake up)

Thunder: (Sarcastically) Well, Marshal, did the boogeyman get you? Marshal?

(The boys rush over to their sleeping bag. They hold up the opening and realize he's gone!)

All: (Gasp) He's gone!

Thunder: Oh no, Catherine is going to kill me.... (Sees something on the ground) Hey, what's that?

(The boys see a trail of footprints leading into the jungle)

All: Uh-oh.

(Soon, they are on the hunt for Marshal by following the footprints. A waterfall and hundreds of trees are shown. The camera stops at a bush, where the boys push though. They stop and lay down belly-first on a cliff, where they see a native village down below)

Robert: The footprints lead into that village.

(They soon make the search into the village, where they tiptoe through the village and silently call out for Marshal's name)

Thunder: (Whispering) Marshal.

Sun Winter: (Whispering) Marshal.

Scrubs: (Whispering) Marshal.

Robert: (Whispering) Marshal.

Thunder: MARSH-!

(The boys huddle with each other, when a bunch of spears appear. A bunch of angry natives have seen the brothers trespassing on their grounds and surround them with their spears)

Thunder: (Nervously pushes one of the spears to the side) Hi, guys. (To Sun) Watch the old maestro at work. A little negotiating and we're out of here. (He turns to the natives) We make you heap good offer. (He pulls out a couple of their own shirts) See pretty clothes?

Natives: (Excited chattering)

(Thunder gives one of the shirts to Screeny, who nervously holds it up, and pulls out some pairs of shoes)

Thunder: Nice shoesies?

Natives: (Excited chattering)

Thunder: (Throws his boom box on the pile) Make 'um plenty good music!

Natives: (Excited chattering)

Thunder: You take 'um all this wampum, and we take 'um little butterball you steal 'um from us last night. How 'bout it?

(However, Thunder's bargain to get Marshal back fails to impress them. Soon, the boys have been stripped of their clothes and are now wearing loincloths, as they are tied by their wrists to the wall of a hut with Thunder having his tires removed so he won't drive away)

Sun Winter: (Sarcastically) Brilliant negotiating, Thunder.

(A native dances by with Thunder's boom box and wearing a shirt, as he scat-sings to some rap music)

Thunder: (Sighs) Oh, I hate to think what's happened to Marshal.

Lawrence: Yeah. Who knows what they've done to the poor little guy?

(Just then, a native sounds a bongo drum with his hands. The natives then bow down, as the village chief arrives, blowing kisses to his people, followed by his four servants, who carry a mobile throne and set it down a mobile throne. Inside the throne is Marshal, slurping the last of his food in a bowl!)

The boys: Marshal!

Marshal: Hey guys!

(The chief orders his servant to let the boys go, to which he does by cutting off the ropes. The boys then fall to the ground as other natives put back Thunder's tires)

Native Chief: (Speaking tribal dialect)

Thunder: What's going on?

Screeny: Uh, if I'm translating correctly, I think they said that Marshal is their long lost Prince of Plenty.

Thunder: Prince of Plenty? Now, you're talking!

Native Chief: (Speaking tribal dialect)

Screeny: And the only way for us to live is to be his slave.

Thunder: Slave?! Forget it! (He attempts to drive out of the village, until three spears halt Thunder, threatening to punish him otherwise. He scatters over to the throne) Where to, your royalness?

(Meanwhile, back on the girls' balloon, the girls are yawning, waking up from their slumber)

Generous: Snowfrost, could you pass me something to eat?

Clara: (Gasps) Don't do it, Snowfrost!

(Snowfrost walks over to the ice chest and opens the lid to see the baby penguin in it)

Rose: A penguin? You were going to eat this penguin?!

Baby Penguin: (Screams and ducks for cover)

Clara: (Picking up the penguin) Don't be ridiculous, Rose. We've got to get this little guy back to Antarctica. (Whispering) He'll die if we don't.

Generous: (Saddened) Awww....

Delilah: And how do you propose we do that, Clara? Federal Express?

Clara: No. I thought we could take him.

Catherine: And lose the race? Generous, will you please talk some sense into your friends here?

Generous: She's right, Catherine.

Maddie: This poor guy wants to go home. We've got to help him.

Catherine: You're both crazy! (She goes over to the baby penguin.) I'm sorry, but we're talking about $100,000 and, uh, well, uh! (The baby penguin then develops a fever in front of her eyes, causing Catherine to have a change of heart) He doesn't look very good, Clara.

Clara: I told you.

Catherine: (Sighs) Well, how do we get to Antarctica?

(The girls hug Catherine for doing the right thing)

To be continued

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