Chapter 7

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(Back at the Willow's house, Mr. Willows is busy cooking something in the kitchen, as she is singing a song to himself)

Mr. Willows: Or you'll be left in the dust

Unless I stuck by ya

You're the sunflower

You're the sunflower (As he cooks, the phone rings) Huh? Oh, rats! (He flicks off the mix and then answers the phone) Hello?

(In Athens at night, Mrs. Willows is on the phone talking to Mr. Willows)

Mrs. Willows: Uh, hello, Horris?

Mr. Willows: Dalia?

Mrs. Willows: I'm just calling to see how everything is.

Mr. Willows: Oh, everything is fine. It's quiet as a mouse around here.

Mrs. Willows: Catherine's behaving herself?

Mr. Willows: She is? Well, that's good.

Mrs. Willows: Uh, could I talk to the kids?

Mr. Willows: Well, I don't see why not.

Mrs. Willows: Uh, is Catherine available?

Mr. Willows: Available for what?

Mrs. Willows: To talk.

Mr. Willows: Well, how should I know?

Mrs. Willows: Uh, look, Horris, I just called to see if everything was all right.

Mr. Willows: Everything's fine, Dalia don't worry.

Mrs. Willows: Well, give the kids my love.

Mr. Willows: Why don't you give them your love?

Mrs. Willows: Well, are they available?

Mr. Willows: Available for what? Be more clear!

Mrs. Willows: (Sighs) Never mind. Uh, nice talking to you, Horris.

Mr. Willows: You, too, Dalia. And one more thing, get some rest, will you? (Hangs up) Oh, that poor woman is losing her marbles. Then again she's a single mother to two kids....

(Meanwhile, back at Inspector Fernardo's office, Fernardo bitterly opens and closes his pocket watch several times, as Slobwick and Andrius stand in front of him, nervously)

Inspector Fernando: (Furiously) You imbeciles! I ask you to take candy from a baby, and you fail me! (Slobwick and Andrius cringe at his tone of voice) I can see I need bigger, tougher men to handle this job.

(At the same time, the girls are flying through Cairo, Egypt, as they pass the Great Pyramids of Giza and then the Sphinx. Rose looks at the Sphinx and gasps at its large face. Twistar is checking off the destinations on their list, as Generous relaxes on the floor, while wearing a pair of fancy sunglasses)

Twistar: Just a few more drop-offs and we're finished.

(Unknown to them, a gang of thugs on their camels watch them from the ground below, as their leader watches them through his binoculars)

Man: There they are; just as Fernando described them. Come on, let us go.

Catherine: Well, this next drop-off in Egypt should be a snap.

(Catherine literally snaps her fingers, as a grappling hook lands on the basket, startling her and the girls. They are now under attack, as the thugs chase after them on their steeds. The girls grab the hook and pull it off the basket. They then see the thugs riding fast on the desert floor)

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