Chapter 6

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(Meanwhile, the four animals are relaxing on pool chairs in a pool outside their manor. As Sugar reads a book and drinks her martini, Bruce comes up to them with a towel in his hand)

Bruce: Signora. There is a long-distance phone call for you from Europe.

Sugar: Wonderful! (She leaves her pool chair, knocking over her martini glass, and walks through the water to get the phone while splashing Opal by accident) Oh, I'm sorry, Opal. (She then grabs the phone) Hello. The girls have made six drop-offs? Good. And the boys? Wonderful! Good.

(Chunk looks at the water next to Opal and flicks some water on her)

Chunk: (Laughs) Did the spoiled brat get wet? Did the rug bird get a little water on her? (Laughs again)

(Opal has a trick up her sleeve; she pokes one of her talons in his pool chair and is able to pop it with a hole in it. She feels a jet of air blown in her face, as Chunk rides around the pool out of control, screaming along the way. Opal gasps, seeing Chunk rocket her way, and ducks to let him sail pass. Sugar and Hermine finally hear Chunk land with a splash)

Sugar: This is excellent news. Keep me posted. (Hangs up the phone and sees Opal) Oh, Opal, you got wet! (Chunk has crash-landed by their dolphin water fountain)

Hermine: Oh, Chunk, you're so reckless!

(Chunk groans and keep his balance to get out of the water, but he fails and falls back into the water, as his swim trunks face the camera. The city of Athens, Greece shown with the Acropolis shown at the top left corner. In here the boys are exploring)

Robert: (Sighs) I love Athens. The nightlife, the girls, the excitement.

Thunder: Well, it looks like a city I would love.

(Mr. Looney gasps and sees a food stand nearby. He then tiptoes away from the others to the stand)

Mr. Looney: (To the merchant) I'll have a large order of couscous, a-and 2 yalanchi donuts. Quickly, please!

(Sun Winter hums as he walks up to an apple stand and grabs an apple, but someone else has a grip on the apple. Sun Winter gets into a tug-of-war with the unseen person)

Generous: I saw it first!

Sun Winter: (Shocked to see it was Generous holding the apple) Generous?!

Generous: Sunny! What are you doing here?

(The two still fight over the apple)

Sun Winter: (Grunting) We're on our way to Istanbul. What are you doing here?

Generous: We're on our way to Cairo.

Marshal: (To Michelle) Have you guys had any, uh, trouble along the way?

Michelle: Well, there was this guy-

Catherine: (Covers Michelle's mouth) Yeah, but we had nothing but smooth sailing. And you?

Marshal: Well, actually, I get the feeling- (Gets his mouth covered by Thunder)

Thunder: It's been a piece of cake! The only problem we have is crowd control!

(Sun retrieves the apple from Generous)

Sun Winter: We're the hottest act in rock and roll. But, you don't have that problem, do you?

Silver: No.

Generous: (Annoyed) Sure, we do! (She sweeps some dust off her)

Sun Winter: (Chuckles) No, you don't.

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