Chapter 3: Lack of passion

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Levi closed the file, moving slowly away from the computer. His old rolling chair squeaked uncontrollably, making him even more irritated.

He had only barely managed to get rid of Hanji, and already another pest was knocking on his door.
-- Levi? I can hear you're in the office because of your damn chair.

-- I'm not here - he replied, reaching for a cup filled with steaming brew. He blew twice on the tea before leaning in to take a sip.
-- Check in the dining room.

-- You have to stop playing unavailable. I know you want me. - the pulling on the doorknob continued.

Levi put down his tea with a bang, running his fingers along his nose. He sighed heavily as he got to his feet.
He walked to the door, reluctantly turning the key.
He saw a tall, blond-haired man with a bouquet of roses in his hand and chocolates in the other.

-- Pathetic, - he said, pushing away the gifts.
-- You bring me this shit again and, regardless of Erwin's opinion, I will fire you.

-- Levi... - Zacharius started, but he didn't have time to finish, avoided like an obstacle by Ackerman.

-- I have a damn fiancée. Even someone as dumb as you should be able to accept that after four years, tch.

He left the man in the corridor and went to Hanji's office, from whom he would collect the last month's settlements in a few minutes. Without bothering to knock, he walked inside, finding Hanji and Petra drinking coffee together. He coughed, barely keeping himself from complaining about the stuffiness of the room.

-- Oi, Hanji. - he exclaimed, approaching their desk.
-- I hope you prepared these papers.

Hanji's eyes lit up under her glasses.
-- You're acting like a wasp bit your ass, Levi. Something happened?

-- You didn't even say hello to me, asshole. - Petra noticed, placing her hand on her fiancé's shoulder.

-- We saw each other today, don't be hysterical. - he reassured the woman, moving away from her insistent hands. Without paying much attention to her, he turned back to Hanji.
-- Give me those damn papers, you crazy bespectacled person, and let me enjoy my last moments of peace.

-- I prefer you calling me a he, Levi. It makes you sound sexier, you know? - they laughed, leaning forward and down. When Hanji's eyes were level with Levi's, they spoke again.
-- Zacharius harassed you again, didn't he?

The irritated look on his face must have been easy to read, because Petra's laughter broke the silence in the room.
Levi stared at her with murder intent written all over his face, waiting for her to finally shut the fuck up.
-- Are you done? - he growled after less than a minute.

The woman looked up at him, holding back another burst of laughter.
-- I-I think you should give him a chance, honey... - she laughed again, and Levi decided that it was time to leave.
He grabbed the documents from Hanji's hands, heading towards the door when it suddenly opened, revealing Erwin Smith. The man looked at Levi, sighing in relief.

-- Levi. I was just about to look for you, - he announced. Erwin passed the man in the doorway and went inside, and then looked at Hanji.
-- Will you let us talk here?

They nodded hurriedly, sitting down in the chair.
-- Make yourself comfortable, boss.

The blonde didn't pay attention to the employee's amused tone. He nodded hello to Petra and then turned his attention back to Levi.

-- What did you want to talk about? - Levi asked boredly, not expecting anything interesting. Always one and the same. Bills, clients, company reputation, damned Grisha Jaeger the sneaky bastard, and so on and so forth.

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