Exploring The Streets Of Heaven

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"So tell me the full story of your and James"asked Lerry

"So I was 13 year old and James was 11 years old when we started playing tennis on a tennis court by mistake I shoot the ball at the leg of James that the ball was so fast his leg had a deep injury but he said that he will forgive me once only but now by mistake I again shoot the ball at James Leg which was attacked previously also and after his leg broke from the joint he started shouting in pain 'my leg my leg' and started attacking on me with his racket and I got some injuries after reaching His home and told his parents about injury and his parents came to our house and starting a fight and the fight was too violent that I have to call cops and as the cops came they my parents started to tell about James and his parents and the cops told asked to James to show his leg and his leg wasn't broken even there was no injuries so the cops arrested James and his parents and kept them in jail for 6 years. So this was the story" said Adrian

"So you have to stay your full life here upto James stop your search" said Lerry

"Also when James got out of the jail I was in front of him and he said that he would kill me in the very next 20 years" said Adrian

"How many years have been there till his get out of jail" asked Lerry

"I think 14 years or maybe 15 years" said Adrian

Adrian started to explore the streets of heavens

"Listen there are 3 districts in heaven 1. Is the lower district i. Which spirits which have done only some good things are living 2.is the middle district where spirits which have done good things in 60-80% are living and 3. Is higher district where spirits which have done eveything good lives but in the higher district there are only few spirits an salso in it God lives"said Lerry

"So in which district we are in"asked Adrian

"We are in the higher district as you can see only few people are there and the hotels, food and clothes here are the best in full world even Earth doesn't have tasty food like here also only veg food is available is here" said Lerry

Adrian, fox and Lerry sat in a restaurant and ordered food

"Wow the food is too much delicious" said Adrian and Fox at the same time

After eating there food they got the best hotel in the heaven and as they entered in the room the room was like a dream Adrian and Fox lay down on the bed and slept only in 1 minute.

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