Who Leaked It ?

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"So why did you choosed Earth only" asked Adrian

"Because of some controversial reasons" said Lerry

"Can you tell some" asked Adrian

"Pardon me but I can't tell you it's confidential information" said Lerry

"Wait a minute I am coming from outside" said James

While Adrian And Lerry was talking someone was watching them from the window of the windows of the room and just after Adrian noticed him but he ran away

"Oh no someone recorded our conversation" said Adrian

"I tried to catch him but he ran away" said James after coming to room

"Did you saw his face while he was running" asked Adrian

"No I was unable" said James

"So what should we do now Lerry he also recorded you" asked Adrian 

"Don't worry voice cannot go outside this roo and also I am a special spirit so I can not come in normal cameras" said Lerry

"Oh no" said James

"What happened ?" Asked Adrian

"No nothing happend" said James

After Adrian, Fox and James reached home they got a newspaper with highlighted news

"The Mystery Of Evening Station Solved a  portal has been connected from Afterlife World to the station police and scientists will take action against it also Adrian and Fox will be taken in custody"

"Why there is not your name James" asked Adrian

"Because I was outside while he watched us" said James

"Ok we need to get undercovered to prevent custody. We should stay on the station only but James will not come with us because he will not be in custody. So pack your bag fast Fox" said Adrian with Fox not to James

After Fox and Adrian reached at the station they told everything to Lerry

"Then we should get in the portal and then I will close the portal also don't forget about the skeleton do you have that with you" asked Lerry

"Yes it is in the car also take the car along with us" said Adrian

As they entered the Afterlife world they were in the entrance of Hell and Heaven Lerry took them to Heaven and after reaching Heaven Adrian was shocked at how Heaven looked Lerry told Adrian and Fox that if they leak things about how the Heaven looked they will be killed immediately without any hesitation by Lerry. They started exploring Heaven There were beautiful angels with short wings in their back and there was some of Adrian's friend who died 7 years ago as Adrian talked to his dead friends one of his friend asked him that is he dead?

"No I am not dead I am alive but I am hiding in heaven because I am a Wanted person on Earth and Lerry helped both of us too much" said Adrian

Lerry told Adrian in his ear that

"The person who was recording is was James going outside was his excuse he just wanted to arrest you both from the very beginning also he is a FBI officer and also do you know him in your childhood or do you both are enemies of each other ??" Asked Lerry

"Wait let me remember anyone named James. No I don't know him but I know one person who is my enemy Henry. Henry is my enemy from my childhood" said Adrian

"That's it Henry changed his Name to James and joined you both to arrest you. Now wait here 3 weeks up to the FBI will not catch you also we have 10 stars hotel here they are very expensive but for some reasons they are free for you everything is free here for you even here delicious food is also free for you but only one thing is not free for you guys. It is the castle home of God you cannot enter in it it's free for one person is over $1 trillion" said Lerry

"Ok then we can wait here for our full life here"said Adrian

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