Human au !!!!

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Here's what I think Earth would be like in a human au

+like some worldbuilding if thats the word? Just the general shit abt the house

I might make two of these where it's in a more natural typa shit (like he has white hair instead of blue and green)

Tw: s/h, emetophobia, suicidal tendencies, attempted suicide, toxic relationships

Btw I am ASS at making aus so excuse me if it's not that unique and more attatched to the show (I don't want to mischaracterize him anymore than those tiktoks pls)

Physical appearance (Im too unmotivated to draw):

Mixed race but he looks like a white american...

He has vitiligo skin. Mostly around his hands and face.

Blue and green hair (obvsly) with fades of white at the end of a strand of his hai. Used to be long to his ass(😭) but now its around his shoulders, losely tied in a little ponytail, will explain later.

I don't want to describe what he wears bc I hate describing clothing 💔

Has a scar across his eye (not saying which side bc ik I'll get it mixed up)

Sometimes wears star-shaped sunglasses if he feels like it.
Sometimes wears gold bracelets. Get it because golden boy
He has bandages on his arms.
Always has a headset around his neck.

Now the general hcs n shit like that abt the human au (not Earth yet):

The house, or should I say it's a mansion, for the planets is seperated between different floors. The ground level has a general living room, the kitchen, dining room, and 2 bathrooms (one of them has a shower and another doesn't). The same level has Sun's room. No i will not describe their rooms one by one 💔 but his room has a secret room filled with monitors so he could... well... monitor his planets. He has one in every room (the bathrooms' live feed isn't shown but it is recorded. It doesn't have a monitor iykwim. If u dont then in summary, no the bathrooms dont got cameras).

The second level has the rocky planets' rooms. Two rooms were left vacant but are now occupied by Luna and Phobos & Deimos. They have their own living space and a sort of kitchen area but it's just a fridge, a microwave, an airfryer, and a sink. From the stairs, the rooms belong to Mars, Phobos&Deimos, Luna, Earth, Venus, and Mercury.

Third level is for the Gas Giants. They specifically asked for a level seperating the Gas Giants and Ice Giants because■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ and just because of the amount of moons they have. Same setup as the Rocky planets' level.
From the stairs, the rooms belong to Jupiter and his moons on one side of the hall and Saturn and his moons on the other side. Don't ask me how they could fit like 95 moons in 3 rooms and 146 moons in 4 rooms they have so many fucking moons Jesus. Just think like rows of bunk beds for the uhm, not so important ones and like one room for the main moons/ Galilean moons (since the galilean moons are just like 4 moons, they share it with the Inner Satelites)

Fourth Level is for the Ice Giants. No shit it's freezing in their level. Same setup as everyone else except their microwave doesn't work so they just go down to the Gas Giant's level to microwave whatever.
Same as how the Gas Giants did it, the rooms from the stairs belongs to Uranus and his moons on one side of the hall and Neptune and his moons one the other side. Uranus' moons has 3 rooms, and Neptune's moons have 2 rooms. Triton specifically claimed a room for himself to have his peace but Neptune's other moons keep invading his room (poor guy). Uranus' major moons have a pile of bean bag chairs in one of the rooms so they could hang out, sometimes inviting the other moons to come with them.
Fun fact! One of the rooms the moons used was Pluto's room before.

And the last level is for the dwarf planets!! Their living room is filled with bean bag chairs for all of them (Only including the ones we've see in the show and not their moons besides Charon 💔). They def hoard snacks.
From the stairs, the rooms belong to Pluto&Charon, Eris, Haumea, MakeMake, and Ceres. Yes Ceres is in this level. Why? Idk man. But he does sneak into the Rocky Planets' level.

Dw the moons wont be cramped for too long bc they'll finally have their own place connected to the Mansion soon.

Ok finally I can go back to Earth that was exhausting to type all on phone.

He uses He/They

He has AuDHD, BPD, and depression.

His occupation is yes.

Either Earth stays cooped inside their room or he's hanging out with his moon or the Rocky Planets.

He wears his headphones when he's alone or overstimulated to feed his imaginary scenarios

+to ignore the pain he's going through

He plays violin !!!! (Why? Because I do now shut up 🤬)

+ Teaching Luna bc Luna asked to and he's doing really well!!! Luna got play 'Perpetual Motion' and is now working his way up to 'Etude' (im sorry if u dont get it but basically he mastered the notes on the first and second strings and is now trying to master all the notes on all the strings)

His earthlings are still a thing but they just see the normal Solar System and sky we see everyday. Astrodude isn't in space for this one 💔

Pollution and Wars are still a thing on him and it hurts like hell. He has a bucket near his bed pre-ready incase. If it gets that bad, he spends a good quarter of his day throwing up all the food he ate that day.

When he goes through very intense pain, sometimes he'd feel numb and that causes him to panic, thinking all his life was dead. He'd rather feel like shit than feel nothing to the point he'd slit and cut his arms until he could feel again.

Earth was bedridden near the first half of 1900. When he wasn't anymore, he still felt like shit but atleast his fashion sense was updating.

Sometimes he'd try to combine outfits and stuff for fun.

He loves nature, he has atleast like 4 potted plants on his window (get it becuase mother nature mother earth ahahahahah please laugh idk how my yapping got to 1095 words).

Sometimes HATES what Jupiter wears when they all go outside the house (he's fine with the dad fit just not what he matches it with

This is all i got im so tired 💔

This is all i got im so tired 💔

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