Kinda angsty hcs (?)

448 16 14

Tw for mentions of su!c!de, sh kinda(?), and some depressing themes

Also I'm so sorry if I misinterpret any issues, disorders, or anything.

He has a history of bottling up his emotions even before he had life on his surface.

Before his redemption arc, in the back of his mind he'd think he'd never get better/ he didn't want to get better, thus resulting into him messing things up.

Literally CANNOT be alone. Ever. Have u seen the earth alone episodes????

He blames himself for all the extinctions that has happened before humans. ESPECIALLY feels guilty about the dinosaurs since it was an asteroid that caused their extinction and 'could've been prevented'

He can't imagine what he'd do without his earthlings on his surface. He really normalized being used by them and didn't care as long as they would survive and wouldn't leave him alone. The thought of them abandoning him for another planet really hurts him. It became a sort of toxic feeling the earthlings had on him. No matter how much he was hurt, abused, and polluted, he'll still love his earthlings.

He gets overwhelmed easily when he's bombarded by too many things at once.
Actually scratch that he's almost always overwhelmed like give him a break 💔

Probably has BPD and ADHD.

When things are going too rough on his surface, he tends to disassociate mid-way through whatever he's doing. He almost always tries to find excuses for it.

Probably lost his sense of identity in the process of trying to sustain and deal with the life on his surface. I'd explain but I've tried to write it down so many times 💔

Has yet to tell Mars and Venus about his attempt.

When he was Proto-Earth, being in the middle of the two habitable planets made him feel a little inferior to them. So what else do you do to make yourself useful? Use yourself as a meat shield! Of course they're a higher priority right? They have life! It doesn't matter if his surface was cracking nearly deep enough to reach his outer core. It was practically his unspoken responsibility!

Post-collision with Theia, he blamed himself for her death when he barely even had amy ill intentions to collide with her. He almost went as far as k-- himself if it weren't for the smaller celestial body forming with the bits and remains of Theia and a little of himself.

Wdym I was projecting in that one hc, SHUT UP 🤬🤬🤬

Sorry if this is kinda shit all my braincells died when the fucking temperature reached somewhere around 40°C I will cry

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