144-145: Extra 1•It depends on God's will

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144-145: Extra 1•It depends on God's will

Chapter 144 Extra:

Dazai and his wife made a three-month agreement to see God’s will. The first thing to be emptied was Dazai Osamu’s stored contraceptive pills.

After being married for so many years, Dazai Osamu always felt that he had grown in willpower, so that he wouldn't be able to bear the slightest temptation from Airi like he did at the beginning.

He looked at his wife very confidently: "It's only three months, I will be able to bear it. If Airi can't bear it, you can stop it in advance."

Airi is also quite confident.

She stretched out her little finger to hook up with her husband: "We agreed, only I can stop, and the treatment must last for three months."

"Of course." Osamu Dazai also stretched out his little finger, and the two of them covered it with their thumbs. chapter.

Nothing happened on the first day. Even when he was sleeping, Dazai Osamu did not wait for his wife to seduce him. He just listened to his wife and Piercing Armor discussing whether she wanted a brother or a sister.

On the second day, Osamu Dazai still didn't wait for seduction all day long. Although he knew that his wife was waiting for the newly bought equipment, he still couldn't help but start to doubt his charm.

Why could Airi endure it? Is it because he is not handsome enough or not skilled enough? Or is Airi playing hard to get?

With a lot of questions, Osamu Dazai finally waited for his wife to seduce him during dinner.

Airi changed into a newly bought black dress. It was a small skirt that was tight on the upper body and very short on the lower body.

The chest of the skirt is a bit wide, and an "X" cross is made on the chest.

Because the skirt was pure black, she put a purple crystal brooch with tassels on the intersection. The hanging tassels were close to her chest, and the end was hidden in the ravine.

She happily grabbed her husband's hand, picked it up and rubbed it on her face.

"Is the new dress I bought good-looking?" Airi happily showed off her masterpiece to her husband.

"It looks good." Osamu Dazai asked with a serious face, as if he were having an academic discussion: "Is this brooch polished smooth enough? Will it hurt Airi?"

"No, it feels pretty good.

Airi touched the shiny crystal tassel, but did not take it out: "It doesn't hurt at all, don't worry!" Dazai Osamu

's expression was still very serious, and he nodded, as if it didn't hurt at all. I was curious about what the clamped tail end was, but I didn’t want to take it out.

Dudu did not join them for dinner today. Dazai Osamu ate very absentmindedly. From time to time, he would glance at a large white place and the shining tassel in the middle.

He defended himself in his mind. He was not so seduced by Airi that he couldn't help it. He was just a little curious and wanted to help his wife take out the tassel.

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