110-112: A Greatly Changed World

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Chapter 110: A Greatly Changed World (Part 1)

When she closed her eyes and opened them, the scene around her was still the same, except that her husband who was in front of her just now was gone.

Airi pinched her palms and tried to calm down. In this situation, her husband had told her that the timing was probably not right, so she should be calm and don't panic.

What happened was that after two years of marriage, Osamu Dazai suddenly told her that the war was about to begin.

There are many garbage organizations, such as the Combination, the House of Dead Rats, and the Five Declines of Heaven and Man, etc. who want to grab the "book" with the goal of destroying the world.

This caused a big problem - Osamu Dazai didn't have the confidence to protect her, even if she stayed in Minato's building, because he was afraid and was extremely anxious every day.

For the sake of world stability and peace (?), Airi used the plug-in with trepidation and performed a time jump as her husband said.

It’s really something only cheating players can do, and it’s even more fantastic than traveling to other worlds for vacation!

The first time she traveled alone, she ran into trouble. As planned, she opened her eyes to see her husband who had won the battle.

But don't panic, her husband also told her about this situation and listed hundreds of possibilities.

To sum it up, just wait for him. If he goes to another world, sell jewelry and live happily while waiting for him.

Touching the somewhat heavy equipment on her wrist, Airi carefully looked around.

It was the grove she was in before crossing over. There should be nothing wrong with the location. Maybe the time was wrong?

Constantly cheering herself up in her heart, Airi walked tremblingly toward a populated area while praying frantically.

My husband said that there are at most four smart people in the world, and three of them can be generally classified as the same camp. If three versus one, they will definitely win!

Must win, must win! Justice can always defeat evil, and the light of righteousness will never die!

It didn't take long for her to see the almost intact street scene and the people wandering on the road.

Everyone looks very happy. It doesn’t look like the world has been destroyed. That’s great!

After taking two more steps, she saw a very familiar figure - it was her husband!

That tall and secure back, that curly and super sexy hairstyle, and that abstinence bandage, he is definitely her husband!

Airi immediately rushed over, hugged her husband and acted coquettishly.

"Zhi! I finally saw you! You scared me to death!"

A member of the Armed Detective Agency? He just came out of prison not long ago? He has not enjoyed enough free air and is about to start work? Dazai Osamu lowered his head and looked at this inexplicable rush. The little man who came up asked doubtfully: "Excuse me, who are you?"

My Husband is the Leader Dazaiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें