128: The deep hole you dug

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Chapter 128: The Deep Hole Digged by Himself

It has been half a year since he became Oda Gonosuke's editor. Airi helped him very efficiently and completed the creation of a book.

It's just that unlike the anti-war literature that the unscrupulous author originally promised, what he finally gave was a fairy tale, a fairy tale that raises blood pressure and teaches children to study hard!

The protagonist is a pigeon spirit. Because he has no academic qualifications, no schooling, and no understanding of various human knowledge, he can only move bricks on the construction site and is crazily squeezed by the evil boss.

What this black-hearted boss is best at is using sugar-coated bullets.

For example, Pigeon has raised many little pigeons, and the black-hearted boss helps him take care of them.

Another example is that the pigeon spirit likes to eat corn, and the black-hearted boss planted a large field of corn to give the pigeon spirit full material enjoyment.

And all this is to work hard to squeeze the pigeon essence.

There are also some other characters appearing in the middle, such as the black-hearted boss who has a mummy who loves to move bricks and is extremely short of money.

At first, the mummy was worried that the pigeon spirit would steal his job, so he often asked the black-hearted boss to give the pigeon spirit a holiday. Later, they became good friends.

He has a lot of roles and can basically be regarded as the second male lead.

In addition, Pigeon Jing has other co-workers.

For example, the chipmunk with glasses who is not on the same channel as everyone else and only wants to work;

the black scarecrow who wears a dark robe and is responsible for tending the cornfield;

the alcoholic butcher whose dream is to stew all the animals in one pot ;

The red-haired hamster who appears once in a while and specializes in stealing food by his cleverness...

In short, it has alluded to many people. It is a fairy tale with a warm and smooth style and full of fantasy colors.

Even as soon as it was published, it was well received by adults and children alike.

Children like the wild imagination and all kinds of cute animals in it, while adults see the voice of a social animal in it - he doesn't want to work, he just wants a vacation, which is the cry from the soul of all migrant workers!

Therefore, this fairy tale sold out of stock. The publisher printed several more editions, and even translated it into multiple languages, making it a bestseller overseas.

The first novel that she participated in the entire publishing process achieved such a huge success, but Airi was not happy at all.

Because it is very obvious that she is the black-hearted boss and the only villain in the story!

A villain who brought a tiger to scare the pigeon spirit when he first appeared, forcing him to move bricks every day!

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