109: The trouble of becoming smaller

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Chapter 109: The Worry of Shrinking

After hearing the truth from Nakahara Chuuya, the leader of the Hong Kong gang and his wife fell silent.

Yes, there is this disadvantage of one person becoming smaller. Even a slight kiss will cause the other person to directly enter the bureau to experience a day trip.

He looked at Nakahara Chuuya unhappily, but this height made Airi much happier. It feels so good to look down at others! Even better than wearing high heels!

"I want to eat blueberry cheesecake." Airi ordered in great detail: "I also want milk tea. If it doesn't work this time, I will really cry!"

Children are so powerful, their tear ducts can collapse very quickly and Natural, and not afraid of embarrassment!

But there are pearls in the milk tea, and Airi also likes to add some red beans, taro balls, etc. She is so young now, will she get stuck if she eats it?

Like a startled new father, Osamu Dazai was worried about all the possible and impossible dangers, but he didn't dare to refuse again.

Holding a miniature version of his wife in his arms, he stepped into the Internet celebrity dessert shop with a worried and heavy heart.

It was early afternoon, so there were not many people in the store, and the cakes and milk tea were served very quickly.

Sitting in her husband's arms, Airi was happily waiting to be fed.

When she was an adult, she was never embarrassed to sit on her husband outside. Now that she is smaller, she actually has the freedom to sit on her seat!


He scooped out a small piece of cheesecake with a small spoon. After his wife finished eating, Dazai used another spoon to scoop up a spoonful of milk tea and handed it to her.

Why do you need to use a spoon to drink milk tea?

Not quite understanding what her husband was thinking, Airi looked at the milk tea in the spoon silently, and drank it cherishedly before speaking.

"You need to use a straw to drink milk tea." She reminded her husband: "It's the one next to the cup. Just take it apart and insert it into the cup and give it to me."

With a serious face, Osamu Dazai shook his head: "I read the manual, and every year There are many children who choke the pearls into their trachea when sucking milk tea, so we should use a spoon. "

Before going out, my husband searched for a lot of things and looked at them. Is this what he looked at? !

Really not knowing what to say to him, Airi could only explain dryly: "I'm different, I can use a straw."

"You can't think so, Airi is too young now, and many things are dangerous for children. After

trying hard to dig out a pearl, Dazai Osamu fed it to his wife: "Come on, ah -"

When drinking pearl milk tea, the milk tea and pearls are eaten separately. What fun is there!

Turning her head to the side, Airi pouted unhappily: "I'm going to drink with a straw, bad dad. If you keep doing this , I'll ignore you!"

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