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“So you are saying that he is going to make deal with that smuggler of heroin and we will track down that stacked up drug and take those with us, before it could be smuggled, which will make a crack in his empire and then slowly we will approach him and kill him?” Maria concluded the whole conversation that happened few minutes ago, a plan to destroy Vincent.

“Precisely, yes” Louis shrugged his shoulders looking at Maria with a silly grin on his face.

Maria leaned back onto her chair, eyes narrowed. She hummed in response and was thinking about the plan Louis proposed. They both knew that Vincent was a enemy rising in the underworld, that threatens to consume their territories. It was a matter of survival, and it had forced Maria and Louis to set aside their longstanding feud for the moment.

“He has got eyes and ears everywhere. But their vulnerability at the moment is this deal, where we will hit them hard. That will be our first step.” Louis leaned in, voice low but very commanding.

Louis outlined a complex scheme that involved infiltrating Vincent’s legitimate business, hacking their financial records, spying on where he will be going and what he will be doing so in their final hit they can end him finally. It was risky and kind of a plan that could bring Vincent down easily but they had to be careful, they can’t afford their enemy know about their alliance. Otherwise it would easily add more complications to their mission.

Maria listened carefully, her mind racing with the details and potential complications. She had to admit that Louis had put together a solid plan.

“All right, I’ve to admit that the plan is very exceptional. But we need to play this smart and trust each other and especially make our people trust each other otherwise it would be chaotic.” Maria stated ensuring that they need both of their gang members to work with each other smoothly with trust, otherwise the fights would erupt within which will lead to the downfall of their much needed alliance.

“Agreed. We may be enemies in the long run, but for now, we are allies against a greater enemy. Let’s take him down together.” Louis smirked leaning back and Maria nodded and her lips twitched up in a smirk too. They both now sat in an uncomfortable silence since they are not used to be in each other’s presence like this. Louis looked at Maria who was looking downwards at floor thinking about something.

He knew he needs to address something that happened earlier at the warehouse. He knew he needs to apologize to her despite their complex history shared between them full of feud.  

Finally he decided to break the silence. He leaned closer and placed his hands on the mahogany table in front of them and cleared his throat to get her attention.

“Maria? I want to say something....” he said and Maria met his eyes and nodded but was wearing an expression showing her confusion.

“I need to apologize. It was just heat of the moment where I called you heartless. I didn’t mean it and I have no right to call you that. I’m sorry” he said and looked at her and Maria can easily tell he was wholeheartedly apologizing.

Her always guarded self soften, and it was something she doesn’t show to anyone, not especially her enemies. Her eyes softened and her whole demeanor changed. Louis can sense how much his words affected her.

“It’s alright Louis. It’s just, you just don’t know me.” She said and pressed her lips into a thin line. She didn’t understand why and how his apology made her feel better, but somehow it did, as if his words meant something to her.
Not to make things anymore awkward she spoke again but changing the topic this time.

“We need to find the location of drugs as soon as possible.” She said and looked at Louis.

“Yes, I will set our men on this and as soon as we find the location we will take them with us and then we need to track down Vincent too.”

And with the plan set in motion, Maria and Louis continued to hash out the finer details, knowing that their lives and the fate of their respective families hung in balance. They were unlikely allies, brought together by necessity, but they were both determined to do whatever it took to eliminate the looming threat in Mafia world.

With their plan outlined and their alliance forged, Maria and Louis delved into the nitty-gritty details. They spent hours in the briefing room, discussing the logistics, roles, and potential risks associated with their operation. The more they talked, the more they realized that Vincent was not to be underestimated. 

Maria and Louis were soon provided with the location and a blue print of that warehouse that was under Vincent’s and had the main thing. Maria tapped her fingers rhythmically on the table as she scrutinized the blue prints.

“The warehouse is right here,” she said pointing to a large warehouse on the map, “They funnel a substantial part of their illicit funds through it.”  Louis nodded in agreement.

“And the weak link is their security. They’ve got not so many muscles guarding that place, so they can be easily infiltrated. We need someone who can blend in, gain their confidence.”

Maria raised an eyebrow. “You have someone in mind for that role?”

Louis leaned in and nodded.  “I’ve got a guy, an insider who’s been looking out for a while now. He’s got the skill this mission demands.” Maria considered this for a moment. “Fine. But I have a computer expert in gang who can hack their financial systems; we’ll need to time it right, with the infiltrator on inside and hacker on the outside working in sync.”

Louis and Maria were operating in enemy’s territory, and they knew that any misstep could lead to disaster. They knew that their journey ahead would be fraught with danger, but they were determined to face it together, at least for the time being.


Chapter 4 is here!

Let me know how's the story going!

Take Care


Forbidden Flames - Louis Tomlinson Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang