Chapter 13

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In a short time, the guys find themselves in front of Luna with an entire army of ASO agents.
Next to her, there is a man in a hood.
Everyone is petrified of fear, especially Liam.
"How did you find us?" Asks Ollie.
"A dear friend of mine called me and I and my team came right away" says Luna pointing with his eyes at the hooded man "now you won’t escape me! Olivia ends up in Evelyn and you all end up in...".
Before she can finish her sentence, Olivia spits fire on the entire ASO army, including Luna, and burns them alive.
The guys are puzzled to watch for a second dwarf then Ollie exclaims euphoric as it has never been : "we made it!".
"We did it!" Liam copies and the two guys hug enthusiastically.
Justice had been done!

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