Chapter 8

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"Hey, Ollie!" Liam yells at his friend.
Classes are over and all the students are coming home.
"What?" Asks Ollie.
"Well... I was wondering... would you like to study at my house this afternoon?" asks Liam, eyes facing the cinnamon floor.
Ollie stares at him for a long time without saying a word, then exclaims: "All right! See you by five, okay?".
Liam, slightly surprised, nods.
At that moment, Levi passes by, saying in a mischievous way: "look who we have, Mr and Mrs Cohen! What a lovely couple! Everyone should take an example from you!".
"Will you finish it, Mayo?" Asks Ollie.
"Don’t tell me what to do, wanker!" Levi says and walks away.
"Ignore him" says Ollie to Liam "as an old wise said, indifference is the best weapon. See you later".
That said, Ollie walks away to the exit.
Liam looks at him for a few seconds, then he goes out.
When Liam gets home, he tells his parents.
"Swear to God you won’t do dirty things!" Says Liam's father.
"Elijah!" The wife reproaches him "do you really think that our son, our Liam, is capable of committing impure acts before graduation?!".
"Sophia, he’s still a teenager!" Says the man.
"I’d like to do something with him, but now is not the time" Liam thinks "maybe after the Olivia thing is resolved".

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