202 - The Idol's Return

851 56 19

(Yui POV)

My foot tapped a light beat against the ground as I bit my lip, waiting for class to be over. I glanced over at Ken, readying myself to strike. Just a little  longer before I could whisk Ken away.

As much as I wish this was about punishing Ken for running away with Iris back at that summer convention...

Ehehehe, punish~

It's actually about something else. Something I've been thinking about for a good while. Something I've been working quite hard on.

I wanna give Ken a-


Something that, so far, I've only told Iris about. Not even Amber. Because Iris was there for me when I was visiting Mom in the hospital. And she's surprisingly quite easy to get along with as well. Much less intimidating than her sister.

Well, most of the time~!

As soon as the bell rung I was sprung out of my seat and in front of Ken's. He looked up at me with an eyebrow raised.

My words got caught in my throat as I stared at his handsome face. And then imagined the disappointment that might come across it.

Keep it together, Yui!

"Can we talk...alone?" I meekly asked.

I received pointed stares from Erica, Lily, and Aoi. Erica's alternate version, masquerading as her twin named Eri, held a bored look.

"Of course." Ken grinned. "As long as you don't bring a whip."

"You'd like it if I had a whip." I smirked.

"No, you'd like it if I had a whip." Ken retorted, grabbing his bag as he stood up.

"You dare betray us like this?" Erica glared.

"Your sins will not be forgotten." Lily hissed.

"Betrayal." Aoi added.

Ken rolled his eyes with a light chuckle. "I'll meet you all back at the Manor." He then looked towards me. "Come on."

I smiled, skipping after him as we exited the room, ignoring the sharp eyes of the others as they pierced into my back.

"Where do you want to talk?" Ken then asked as we walked down the hallway together.

"I...have just the place in mind." I smirked.

I took the lead, and after a short walk out of the school, we made our way to our destination. And soon enough, the two of us stood in a karaoke place.

Ken ordered us a room for an hour, and then we were sitting together in the karaoke room, all alone. This would've perfect for some frisky time, if there wasn't other things currently occupying my mind.

"So, what's up?" Ken asked as we sat down. "It's not usual for the sadist to ask so hesitantly about something."

"Y-you noticed...?" I twirled a piece of my hair in my hand. "...I tried to act normal."

"Of course I did." Ken replied, looking away with a slight red tint to his ears. "I would've thought this was to tease me but you're acting...off."

"Yeah, I guess I am..." I sighed.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this vulnerable, actually." Ken commented. "You've always just been this annoying sadist and masochist."

"Hey." I pouted at him with a light glare.

He chuckled in response. "One with an amazing knack for healing and cares greatly. You're pretty amazing, Yui."

His ears became more red. "So...tell me what's up. I'm here to listen."

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