201 - Ice Cold And Cyan Hot

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(Aoi POV)

I sat at a bench in the park, waiting for someone to arrive. I wore a simple outfit that Mother picked out for me, consisting of a white sleeveless shirt, a dark blue skirt that went down to the knees, and an accompanying blue purse. My long, cyan-colored hair was specially braided by Mother today as well.

It is, according to Mother, a so-called "date outfit". I do not understand the logistics of a date, but I have found I enjoy spending time with certain people.

"Hey there beautiful, you waiting for someone?" I heard a man say from not too far away. I wonder if he is currently waiting for someone as well?

"Hey?" He appeared before me, staring at me.

I looked at him, before looking around me. I looked back at him, before pointing to myself. "Me?"

"Yes!" He grinned.

"I am waiting for someone." I replied.

"Well, maybe I can hang out with you until then!" He stated.

I stared at him.

Is this...one of those so called, "pick-up artists"? I remember Mother warning me about them. She said that they hit on people. Oftentimes those who are alone and waiting for someone.

Hit on?

I narrowed my eyes at him. So he's looking for a fight. I must proceed with this carefully. I reached into my bag, pulling out a special item Mother instructed me to use.

"What the-?" He questioned.

"Spray of the pepper." I stated. "Mother said it is safer..."

He quickly scurried off without another word.

"...than me fighting. Mother was afraid I would accidentally break someone." I finished saying.

I looked at the spray of the pepper. So this is why Mother instructed me to use it. It has the power to repel these "pick-up artists" just from bringing it out. I hadn't even needed to unleash its full power for it to work.

How impressive.

"Aoi." A new voice spoke.

I looked back up, seeing the person who I was waiting for. Bianca stood in front of me, wearing a one piece light blue dress which exposed the shoulders other than two straps. Bianca also had a purse, hers a snowy white that matched her hair. Her hair was also specially braided, falling to one side.

I pocketed the spray of the pepper. I did not wish to rid myself of Bianca's presence. Bianca is someone I enjoy spending time with. I stood up, nodding to Bianca and receiving a nod in response.

I find it difficult to read people. Except for Bianca. She is like me, and I take comfort in that. It allows me to understand her more than I understand others. And seemingly I understand her more than others understand her as well.

Bianca started walking as I followed beside her. For this day of spending time it was decided that Bianca would choose where we go. This is the routine we use every time, because I am still learning the intricacies of the city.

I am looking forward to where she takes me today. Last time we went to the place known as the "Arcade". A very fascinating place. Special coins are inserted into different box machines for different effects.

Bianca and I mostly played the one that allowed you to control a little person on the black box using buttons, with the goal of defeating the other little person. We were evenly tied by the end of the day.

After a fair bit of walking side by side, we ended up in front of a place known as a "Skate Rink". I do not believe I remember what occurs here.

We entered the building, where Bianca easily obtained us a pair of special shoes with as little words as possible. We walked over to the metal boxes named "lockers", placing our items inside.

Bianca sat on the indoor bench and I followed, sitting next to her. She handed me a pair of the special shoes. I examined them, realizing they had blades on the bottom of them.

How fascinating. Is this some sort of combat place? But as interesting as blades on the feet are, they are mighty inconvenient for fighting and movement. Are these not just a disadvantage?

I placed on the shoes, tying the laces up before attempting to stand up and move. It was a difficult endeavor at first, maybe these are a form of training instead of combat.

I followed Bianca, shakily walking into a large room. And that's when I finally saw the use of this strange footwear. In the large room, taking up most of the space except for an outer strip with seating, was an oval floor of ice. Around the oval floor was a wall that went up to the waist, other than two entrances.

And on it, people were gliding around the ice with the use of this odd footwear. This must be the true "Skate Rink".

But what is it for? Training balance? That would be incredibly useful for Bianca with her element of ice. Was this whole place built for Bianca's training?

Bianca stepped onto the ice through the entrance, lightly gliding. She easily twirled around, readjusting herself and holding a hand out for me.

I reached out, grabbing Bianca's hand as I slowly stepped out onto the ice. Oh, this isn't as difficult as I thought. I then placed my second foot on the ice, and almost slipped.

That must be the legendary consequence that people call the "jinx". I have heard it is quite dangerous, I must be vigilant in not activating again.

I gripped onto the wall with one hand. Bianca gestured down to her feet, before moving forwards in an odd way. It included a sway that went left and right and yet she glided across the ice as if it was only natural. She turned after a few seconds, sliding into the middle of the area where there was less people, and then coming back to me.

"Like that." Bianca stated.

She held her hand out once more. I gripped it, trying to mimic Bianca's movements as we slowly moved across the ice. My feet stumbled as I adjusted to properly moving with the blades underneath.

Eventually I found myself being able to move decently. Bianca let go of my hand, allowing me to freely move across the ice. And while it was slow and clunky, I was able to do it myself.

A feeling of happiness appeared within myself. I believe this is the feeling of "accomplishment", if I remember right.

Bianca moved with me in a much more smooth and impressive manner. She was used to this, it was something she had practiced countless times.

She moved all around, having the control to go whatever direction she wanted, even backwards. She was always able to keep balance, even if she did a sharp turn or a spin.

Eventually we took a break, sitting at one of the benches around the ice floor while watching as people went around in a circle. Every once in a while someone would go through the middle, clearly of a higher skill. But none compared to Bianca.

I turned towards her, staring into her sapphire eyes. "Why?" I asked.

"It is fun." Bianca answered.

Fun? It is not some form of training? It is for fun? I thought back to how I've felt during this whole act of spending time.

Bianca was staring at me. She was worried.

"Fun." I nodded in agreement, coming to my conclusion. I am not good at it. Ice is not speciality, fire is. But spending time with Bianca is of the enjoyable category. And that includes when at this place.

There was the slightest of curls of the ends of Bianca's lips, before it went back to the usual expression she wore. The one which was quite similar to mind.

With that, she stood up, getting back onto the ice floor. She moved gracefully around the whole area, at a speed which was both impressive and controlled. She was able to do all sorts of spins and turns, moving around the ice in a captivating way.

I could not take my eyes off of her. She stood out above the rest in her pure skill and the way she moved about the ice.

I stood back up again, making my way to the ice floor with relative ease. I got back onto the ice, starting to move around the oval like most did.

Bianca slid back next to me, beginning to move with me once more.

Yes, I do enjoy this.

Today is a good day.

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